- Official Post
Another scan... most unlocked.
New here:
4028 R 35430 - Continuous/MIS 1 on TBS 6903 and Packetized MIS 63 on TBS 6522
4010 L 2100 - GS, I think and not lockable from here
Another scan... most unlocked.
New here:
4028 R 35430 - Continuous/MIS 1 on TBS 6903 and Packetized MIS 63 on TBS 6522
4010 L 2100 - GS, I think and not lockable from here
Just another scan -but nothing new appeared.
4016 R 13780 MIS 1 and MIS 63
Some changes here:
4161 L 10333
4171 L 6666
Just another scan with TBS 6903. New lockable: 4164 L 18135
New here: 4013 R 9180 and MIS 1/MIS 63
3705 L 2091 and MIS 133
New: 3821 L 5168 and MIS 1
New for the list: 4018 L 41745 and MIS 1.
PS: Nothing new can be locked (on my setup) in S2X.
New for the list:
4009 L 3333
4036 L 16875 - can´t lock
4066 L 3333 - can´t lock
New for the list...
4178 L 1539
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