IQmonitor tool

  • Thanks for help,where are i can found last version for download?

    here you have the latest version available

    (under the current circumstances it is not fully finalised and has some problems)

    otherwise this is the last stable version

    If this is your first try with this program, I advise you to read all the instructions available in this forum before asking any questions.

    1.80m Ch.Master Revolver 5 LNB

    IBU twin , Bulleye 10kHz, Kaonsat 13K, Inverto KaKuband,Kaband ( A)

    TBS6983; Openbox SX3 CI II ; Ustym 4K Pro ;GTMedia Combo; F15

  • here you have the latest version available

    (under the current circumstances it is not fully finalised and has some problems)

    sinon celle-ci est la dernières version stable

    If this is your first try with this program, I advise you to read all the instructions available in this forum before asking any questions.


  • Blindscans Vergleich zwischen IQMonitor und Crazyscan auf 3° West im C-Band .

    a comparison of blindscans between IQMonitor and Crazyscan on 3° West in C band.

    сравнение слепых сканирований между IQMonitor и Crazyscan на 3° запада в С-диапазоне.

    1.80m Ch.Master Revolver 5 LNB

    IBU twin , Bulleye 10kHz, Kaonsat 13K, Inverto KaKuband,Kaband ( A)

    TBS6983; Openbox SX3 CI II ; Ustym 4K Pro ;GTMedia Combo; F15

  • Tests with IQmonitor v.1028 and Crazyscan. (Semi)successful attempt to find and lock muxes low symbol rate with 6903x card in HR mode.

    Although the constellation is promising, the parameters are not displayed, although the signal is strong.

    These muxes are too close for the application/driver to discriminate against them.

    Tests with the same IQmonitor version in HR mode with 6983 on the same low symbol rate muxes, some manually locked.

  • ich poste mein Ergebnis hier, weil es einige kleine

    Probleme gibt, auf den verschiedenen Tabellen von IQMonitor

    wo manchmal unterschiedlich sind : z.B die dB als auch

    die Frequenzeingabe bei manuellen suche

    Ergebnis der Suche auf 34,5 West mit vielen

    sehr kleinen sr, die nur IQMonitor findet.

    I post my result here because it shows some small

    problems on the different IQMonitor tables

    which sometimes have differences between them:

    the dB value indicated as well as the frequency

    when searching manually.

    Result of the search on 34,5 West with a lot of

    very small sr that only IQMonitor finds.

    Я размещаю здесь свой результат, потому что он показывает некоторые небольшие

    проблемы на различных таблицах IQMonitor

    которые иногда имеют различия между собой:

    указанное значение в дБ, а также частота

    при поиске вручную.

    Результат поиска на 34,5 Западе с большим количеством

    очень маленький sr, который обнаруживает только IQMonitor.

    1.80m Ch.Master Revolver 5 LNB

    IBU twin , Bulleye 10kHz, Kaonsat 13K, Inverto KaKuband,Kaband ( A)

    TBS6983; Openbox SX3 CI II ; Ustym 4K Pro ;GTMedia Combo; F15

  • the rest of the tables

    1.80m Ch.Master Revolver 5 LNB

    IBU twin , Bulleye 10kHz, Kaonsat 13K, Inverto KaKuband,Kaband ( A)

    TBS6983; Openbox SX3 CI II ; Ustym 4K Pro ;GTMedia Combo; F15

  • Thank you very much, my faithful friend! :74:

    You have done a very great job :73: which helps me a lot:

    - on the one hand, I am convinced that the program is correctly oriented towards thoughtful, attentive and carefully investigating DX-ers satellite signals, which gives me an incentive to develop it, and provides invaluable factual material for improving exclusive algorithms for analyzing DVB signal constellations;

    - on the other hand, it gives me much-needed positive emotions :11:

    But less about the sad. Now to the point.


    SNR is determined in different ways at different times of the signal lock.

    The first value is given by the BlindScan function - this value has a priori priority and degree of confidence, therefore it is displayed in black in the upper right corner of the constellations.

    Below, in purple, SNR1 is displayed, determined by the constellation from the general histogram of the modulation amplitude.

    If it is greater than the first, or there are signs of unreliability of the "black" SNR, it is replaced by a "purple"

    SNR1, but is displayed in gray, as evidence of less reliability and validity of this value.

    Even lower, SNR2 is displayed in green, determined by constellation using a special histogram of the modulation amplitude along the direction in which there are 16APSK, 8PSK modulation tokens and no QPSK tokens.

    Errors in the printout of the final tables and spectra are associated with bugs of sudden power outages and will, if possible, be corrected after solving the priority tasks.

    Thanks again for your support and help

    Health and success! :3:

  • Vielen Dank Yuri für alle deine sehr gute Erklärung .

    Ich habe wirklich Angst gehabt als ich deinen Text am Anfang

    gelesen habe.

    Lass uns hoffen ,dass Du immer von alle diese Wahnsinn

    geschont wirst und gesund bleibst.

    Thank you Yuri for all your very good explanation.

    I was really scared when I read your text at the beginning.

    Let's hope you will always be spared from all this madness

    and stay healthy.

    Спасибо, Юрий, за все ваши очень хорошие объяснения.

    Я очень испугалась, когда прочитала ваш текст в начале.

    Будем надеяться, что вы всегда будете избавлены от всего этого безумия.

    и оставаться здоровым.

    Dein Freund Stephan :74:

    1.80m Ch.Master Revolver 5 LNB

    IBU twin , Bulleye 10kHz, Kaonsat 13K, Inverto KaKuband,Kaband ( A)

    TBS6983; Openbox SX3 CI II ; Ustym 4K Pro ;GTMedia Combo; F15

  • I would like to share the latest results of improving the constellation analyzer.

    Now the analysis area has been extended to the DVB-S2 FER zone and what was previously qualified as DVB-S2 signal noise and displayed as pink dots on the constellation is now marked as an exclusively DVB-S2X area.

    This made it possible to very clearly separate DVB-S2 signals from those with DVB-S2X modulation.

    For the latter, an algorithm for determining the SNR of individual tokens has been developed, which made it possible to "see" the signals of this modulation with conventional cards with hardware demodulation of DVB-S2 signals.

    A movable window has been created in which the results of the analysis of constellations are displayed and which is "attached" to the current frequency.

    It is possible to set the analysis threshold for the express assessment of C/No in dB, as well as the exposure time of the results in seconds.

    The process of forming HR spectra has become more entertaining, and the search for DVB-S2X signals and DVB-S2 signal locks has become more confident.

    Below are a few screenshots taken today. Do not blame me, these are "raw", working materials:

  • An extension of the intermediate frequency range to 2600 MHz and the operation of the program on the third harmonic of the tuner local oscillator were made, which made it possible to expand the Ku band from 10500 to 15100 MHz with the TBS-6983 card and LNB Inverto Black Ultra.

    What did it give, read reception transponder 14899 (12034) V by 42°E

    The increase in SNR=16.8dB relative to the reception of the same 12034 V transponder at the first harmonic of the STB6120 local oscillator was 2.7 dB :91:

    Сделано расширение диапазона промежуточных частот до 2600 МГц и работа программы на третьей гармонике гетеродина тюнера, что позволило расширить Ku диапазон от 10500 до 15100 МГц с картой TBS-6983 и LNB Inverto Black Ultra.

    Что это дало, читайте reception transponder 14899 (12034) V by 42°E

    Прибавка в SNR=16.8dB относительно приёма этого же транспондера 12034 V на первой гармонике гетеродина STB6120 составила 2.7 dB ! ! !

  • Hello Yuri. :70:

    It's incredible what improvements you can make on an IQ monitor. Even if you have very bad working conditions. :48:

    I am already looking forward to the new version of the IQ monitor. :38:

    Please do not forget to fix the error in saving transponder parameters for SmartDVB, ALTdvb and DVBdream. (RE: IQmonitor tool)
    Big thanks. :74:

    Привет Юрий. :70:

    Невероятно, какие улучшения можно сделать на мониторе IQ. Даже если у вас очень плохие условия труда. :48:

    Я уже с нетерпением жду новой версии монитора IQ. :38:

    Не забудьте исправить ошибку сохранения параметров транспондера для SmartDVB, ALTdvb и DVBdream. (RE: IQmonitor tool )
    Большое спасибо.


    Geoposition: 48,71N, 21,92E. Promax Ranger Neo 2, TBS5925 :73: , TBS6983, TBS6903, TBS6903x, TBS6903x V2, TBS6522, TBS5520SE, TBS5927, TBS5590, Prof7301, PF 250cm, ADE antenna 370cm. Full band LNBs: S, L, C: NJS8487S PLL , NJS8488S PLL, X PLL, Ku NJR2842S PLL, Bullseye 10kHz PLL, full Ka band PLL, and other iron for DX reception, 53W - 98E. :68:

  • Peon:

    Ich denke, du meinst die fehlenden Transponderdaten. Es wird nur die Überschrift gespeichert.

    In der gibt es auch ein Problem beim Einlesen der config.

    StepF, df3 und df4 sind hier betroffen. möglicherweise von Wert abhängig.

    StepF konnte man nur durch ziehen des Fensters ändern, nicht im Ziffernfeld.

    Auch die H/V Umschaltung funktioniert nur im scroll-down, nicht mit den Button. Letzteres ist aber mehr ein Schönheitsfehler.


    I think you mean the missing transponder data. Only the headline is saved.

    In there is also a problem reading the config.

    StepF, df3 and df4 are affected here. possibly dependent on value.

    StepF could only be changed by dragging the window, not in the number field.

    Also the H/V switching only works in the scroll-down, not with the button. But the latter is more of a blemish.

    Wer nicht die Antennengröße und den ungefähren Standort angibt, postet sinnlos, sofern es um eine Signalerfassung geht.

    If you don't specify the antenna size and the approximate location, posting is useless if it's about signal acquisition.

  • The impossible became possible! :51:

    I continue to improve IQmonitor Pro.

    Yesterday was the first successful experience of receiving on the antenna 1.05m and LNB Inverto Black Ultra

    in extended up to 14100 MHz Ku range of signals with SNR ~ 10-12dB and receiving high quality (HD) picture.

    I didn’t even believe my ears and eyes, especially since the NIT indicated completely different

    signal parameters and satellites...

    Today I continued to work and received a calibration curve and an RF signal recording

    in extended range on standard equipment (lower two red curves on the spectrum).

    As you can see, there are no signs of signals...

    Then I started the HR spectrum, which registered in AUTOMATIC mode two transponders with SNR ~11 and 12dB.

    In manual mode, two beacons were locked on edges of the extended range:

    After that, the signals of two transponders were blocked and analyzed.

    The results of this work are well documented, and all reception and analysis parameters

    signals are clearly visible on the screenshots - look and be surprised :54:


    Невозможное стало возможным !

    Продолжаю совершенствовать IQmonitor Pro.

    Вчера был первый успешный опыт приёма на антенну 1.05м и LNB Inverto Black Ultra в расширенном до 14100МГц Ku диапазоне

    сигналов с SNR ~10-12dB и получением высококачественного (HD) изображения.

    Я даже не поверил своим ушам и глазам, тем более, что в NIT были указаны совсем другие параметры сигнала и спутники...

    Сегодня я продолжил работу и получил калибровочную кривую и запись RF сигнала в расширенном диапазоне

    на стандартном оборудовании (две нижние красные кривые на спектре). Как вы видите, там нет никаких признаков сигналов...

    Затем я запустил HR спектр, на котором в АВТОМАТИЧЕСКОМ режиме было зарегистрировано два транспондера с SNR ~11 и 12dB.

    В ручном режиме были залочены два беакона на краях расширенного диапазона.

    После этого были залочены и проанализированы сигналы двух транспондеров.

    Результаты этой работы хорошо задокументированы, а все параметры приёма и анализа

    сигналов хорошо видны на скриншотах - смотрите и удивляйтесь


  • More than receiving harmonics, one should probably find out why fake transponders are created.

    IP Radios - Hispasat 30W
    Since it's been discussed on the "Radio Mars" thread i decided to do a little recap of what can be received with a Sat card or a Enigma2 receiver with the help…

    Location: Banska Bystrica, Slovakia
    Ku-Band: 50°West - 95°East Gibertini OP100 (1,0m)
    Ku-Band: 5°West - 39°East WaveFrontier T90 (0,9m)
    Ku-Band LNB: Avenger PLL321S-2 PLL
    Tuner: TBS 5925&5530&5220, EDISION MIO+ 4K, Mut@nt HD51, Dreambox 900UHD&7020HD

  • More than receiving harmonics, one should probably find out why fake transponders are created.

    Ich habe ein stärkeres Signal als Sie auf den Transpondern daneben ,

    und trotzdem kann IQMonitor den "falschen Transponder" 12524V nicht finden.

    Kann es sein, dass es in der Nähe eine Störung gibt (Radar, Funksender??)?

    I have a stronger signal than you on the transponders next door.

    and yet IQMonitor cannot find the "wrong transponder" 12524V.

    Could it be that there is interference nearby (radar, radio transmitter??)?

    1.80m Ch.Master Revolver 5 LNB

    IBU twin , Bulleye 10kHz, Kaonsat 13K, Inverto KaKuband,Kaband ( A)

    TBS6983; Openbox SX3 CI II ; Ustym 4K Pro ;GTMedia Combo; F15

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