• Aus meiner Sicht gibt es derzeit keine perfekte Karte.
    Die 6903x ist extrem langsam, wertet aber insbesonders S2X gut aus, macht die 6522 z.B. nicht.
    Die erwähnte 6925 sowie 6983/6903/6908 sind nicht S2X tauglich.

    Der Weg zum Ziel führt über zwei oder mehreren Karten.
    Der Basis-Scan z.B. mit der 6925 und dann die Transponderauswertung gezielt mit der 6903x.

    Karten wie die 6904SE sind für mich wegen der Inkompatiblität zum IQMonitor eher unbrauchbar.

    In my opinion, there is currently no perfect card.
    The 6903x is extremely slow, but evaluates S2X in particular well, something the 6522 doesn't do, for example.
    The mentioned 6925 and 6983/6903/6908 are not S2X compatible.

    The path to the goal lies across two or more cards.
    The basic scan, for example, with the 6925 and then the transponder evaluation specifically with the 6903x.

    Cards like the 6904SE are rather unusable for me because of their incompatibility with the IQMonitor.

    Wer nicht die Antennengröße und den ungefähren Standort angibt, postet sinnlos, sofern es um eine Signalerfassung geht.

    If you don't specify the antenna size and the approximate location, posting is useless if it's about signal acquisition.

    Dish & Location

    N 48.602 E 15.553

    240 Irte (Ku/C)

    180 Laminas stationär (KaEABCD/Ku/C/X)

    180 Laminas mobil (all)

    120 Laminas (Ku)

    100 (Ku, 1.9°E/7°E), 100 (Ku, 27.5°W), 85 (Ku, 13°E/16°E/19.2°E)

  • I wanted to return the card but I'm out of time for the return, I had it for a while then I waited a bit to install it and time passed, consequently in the next few days I will reinstall it and I will try to make the most of its great potential, I will surely ask you for some more info or help!!
    I also asked what is the minimum S/R value that the 6903X accepts?
    thanks to those who helped me

    Lodi sud

    laminas 180

    lnb invacom doppia flangia Titanium red filter C band inverto KA KU

    tbs 6983-6522-6903X

    rover tab 900 plus

    proform KTI h 180

  • Also Astra 11695 V 285 7/8 DVB-S (Antenne Düsseldorf) ist möglich (EBSpro), allerdings reicht die Signalstärke mit der T90 nicht zum lock.
    Der letzte TBS Treiber war vom 10.07.2024

    So Astra 11695 V 285 7/8 DVB-S (Antenna Düsseldorf) is possible (EBSpro), but the signal strength with the T90 is not enough to lock.
    The last TBS driver was from 10.07.2024

    Wer nicht die Antennengröße und den ungefähren Standort angibt, postet sinnlos, sofern es um eine Signalerfassung geht.

    If you don't specify the antenna size and the approximate location, posting is useless if it's about signal acquisition.

    Dish & Location

    N 48.602 E 15.553

    240 Irte (Ku/C)

    180 Laminas stationär (KaEABCD/Ku/C/X)

    180 Laminas mobil (all)

    120 Laminas (Ku)

    100 (Ku, 1.9°E/7°E), 100 (Ku, 27.5°W), 85 (Ku, 13°E/16°E/19.2°E)

  • as I anticipated not being able to return the 6903X I installed it again
    I saw the video of the crazy on 23.5 east and I copied the parameters on my card
    these are the very disappointing results compared to the video, and I do not understand the difference in performance between my card and yours
    I would like to understand where the difference is!!!
    my card is the V2 without cooling fan

  • as I anticipated not being able to return the 6903X I installed it again
    I saw the video of the crazy on 23.5 east and I copied the parameters on my card
    these are the very disappointing results compared to the video, and I do not understand the difference in performance between my card and yours
    I would like to understand where the difference is!!!
    my card is the V2 without cooling fan

    Both spectrums with different versions of Crazyscan are ok. There is none between yours and mine in terms of output. Only the search time is different, given that I had to scan a transponder that I had to manually lock.
    The only difference between our cards is only in the model, I scanned with 6909x(v1), and you with 6903x, but in terms of functionality both cards are the same.
    So you don't have to worry about your card anymore. It's working within normal parameters as far as the Crazyscan application is concerned.

    Merry Christmas :163:

    7 antennas,including 2 of 150cm,one T90 with 16 lnbs
    lnb:Inverto Black Ultra with scalar rings and many Ku lnbs,
    C-band LNB:ESX241,Galaxy Inovations,EuroStar,MTI 20K,NS741U C/Ku,Inverto Single C-band Flange,lnb Chaparral Servo Motor & Skew Control
    LNB Ka:R9216DF XWM,Hughes FSS 19.7-20.2 GHz,
    6 satellite receivers,2 Meters,
    7 PC cards(tbs6983,6903,6590,6522,6209,2603,6909X,6903X,6504),3 tuners usb-tbs5927,tbs5925 & SkyStar USB 2 HD,
    Satellite reception between 100.5E-50.0W,
    Loc:Romania :3:

  • I will wait for any developments of the drivers for this card, in the meantime I got a 6983 that when it arrives will send to the deserved rest the 6925 that I have been using since 2012
    unfortunately I have not found any 6903 even used
    now I have renewed my TBS cards, 6522/6903X/ and when the 6983 arrives
    Merry Christmas

    Lodi sud

    laminas 180

    lnb invacom doppia flangia Titanium red filter C band inverto KA KU

    tbs 6983-6522-6903X

    rover tab 900 plus

    proform KTI h 180

  • My 6903x (V1) is the third of the STID135

    also a Merry Christmas :163:

    Wer nicht die Antennengröße und den ungefähren Standort angibt, postet sinnlos, sofern es um eine Signalerfassung geht.

    If you don't specify the antenna size and the approximate location, posting is useless if it's about signal acquisition.

    Dish & Location

    N 48.602 E 15.553

    240 Irte (Ku/C)

    180 Laminas stationär (KaEABCD/Ku/C/X)

    180 Laminas mobil (all)

    120 Laminas (Ku)

    100 (Ku, 1.9°E/7°E), 100 (Ku, 27.5°W), 85 (Ku, 13°E/16°E/19.2°E)

  • I'm not totally sure, but I think it's V2.

    And, yes I agree, the spectrum is ugly on CrazyScan with this card.

    qwer setup

    Location: Rastatt, Germany

    C-band: 53.0°West-68.5°East ORBITRON O-16 (4,9m)

    X-band: 52.5°W-63.0°E ORBITRON O-16 (4,9m off focus)

    Ku-band: 61.0°West-80.0°East KATHREIN CAS 23 (2,2m)

    Ka-band A/B/C/D: 30.0°W-75.0°E KATHREIN CAS 018 (1,8m)

    Ka-band band A 2x KATHREIN CAS 120 fix on 19.2°E and 42.0°E standby

    Ku-band LNB: Invacom SNF-031, Inverto Single Flange

    C-band LNBs: Kaonsat, C-Panorama 13K, Norsat 8000RI C-DRO, BrasilSat LNBF AP30 PLL, SOLID WIDE BAND EXTENDED C_BAND LNBF

    Ka-Band LNBs: Inverto Twin WHITE Ka Circular Dual Polarity LNB (flange), Inverto IDLK-SINL20-KAKU-OPP,MCL-KP04, Norsat 9000HX-O3B-BN, Orbital LNB1825F-1000D-WF55

    X-band LNB: Norsat X1000HAF

    Feeds: Invacom ADF_10 + 2 rings, XMW Ka-band Feed FD9000K

    Waveguide Polariser: AV-COMM

    Tuner: TBS 6925, TBS 6903, TBS 6903X, TBS 6522

    >qwer setup

  • if it is the heatsink and not the fan then it is like mine a V2
    only in C band it has this problem while in KU the marker is in the center of the carrier
    but I do not understand the difference in the scan time between this image and my tbs which in my case is clearly longer
    what is the variable ??

    Lodi sud

    laminas 180

    lnb invacom doppia flangia Titanium red filter C band inverto KA KU

    tbs 6983-6522-6903X

    rover tab 900 plus

    proform KTI h 180

  • I many discuss about this spectrum problem with ST (demodulator chip maker). And they told that it's hardware problem and this can't fix with any software, bcs demodulator chip gives such type of spectrum (as all already seen). Any software like Crazyscan e.t.c only draw spectrum that they get from hardware chip.

    However, ST told that this bug don't critical, so they don't plan to solve him.

  • It doesn't seem like a great response from the chip manufacturer, also because the cost of this card is not popular and therefore a statement of this type seems to me to understand that if you want it's fine like this, if you don't want it's fine anyway, a classic statement from someone who has a monopoly of any kind

    Lodi sud

    laminas 180

    lnb invacom doppia flangia Titanium red filter C band inverto KA KU

    tbs 6983-6522-6903X

    rover tab 900 plus

    proform KTI h 180

  • tbs6909x card with neumoDVB and Crazyscan at 30.0W:

    7 antennas,including 2 of 150cm,one T90 with 16 lnbs
    lnb:Inverto Black Ultra with scalar rings and many Ku lnbs,
    C-band LNB:ESX241,Galaxy Inovations,EuroStar,MTI 20K,NS741U C/Ku,Inverto Single C-band Flange,lnb Chaparral Servo Motor & Skew Control
    LNB Ka:R9216DF XWM,Hughes FSS 19.7-20.2 GHz,
    6 satellite receivers,2 Meters,
    7 PC cards(tbs6983,6903,6590,6522,6209,2603,6909X,6903X,6504),3 tuners usb-tbs5927,tbs5925 & SkyStar USB 2 HD,
    Satellite reception between 100.5E-50.0W,
    Loc:Romania :3:

  • only in C band it has this problem while in KU the marker is in the center of the carrier
    but I do not understand the difference in the scan time between this image and my tbs which in my case is clearly longer
    what is the variable ??

    the reason in that case could be, that my scan was not from complete spectrum - only in a smaller range... (for example here: 3950 to 4100)

    qwer setup

    Location: Rastatt, Germany

    C-band: 53.0°West-68.5°East ORBITRON O-16 (4,9m)

    X-band: 52.5°W-63.0°E ORBITRON O-16 (4,9m off focus)

    Ku-band: 61.0°West-80.0°East KATHREIN CAS 23 (2,2m)

    Ka-band A/B/C/D: 30.0°W-75.0°E KATHREIN CAS 018 (1,8m)

    Ka-band band A 2x KATHREIN CAS 120 fix on 19.2°E and 42.0°E standby

    Ku-band LNB: Invacom SNF-031, Inverto Single Flange

    C-band LNBs: Kaonsat, C-Panorama 13K, Norsat 8000RI C-DRO, BrasilSat LNBF AP30 PLL, SOLID WIDE BAND EXTENDED C_BAND LNBF

    Ka-Band LNBs: Inverto Twin WHITE Ka Circular Dual Polarity LNB (flange), Inverto IDLK-SINL20-KAKU-OPP,MCL-KP04, Norsat 9000HX-O3B-BN, Orbital LNB1825F-1000D-WF55

    X-band LNB: Norsat X1000HAF

    Feeds: Invacom ADF_10 + 2 rings, XMW Ka-band Feed FD9000K

    Waveguide Polariser: AV-COMM

    Tuner: TBS 6925, TBS 6903, TBS 6903X, TBS 6522

    >qwer setup

  • Do not count on ST.


    ST went out of business with the set-top box chips a few years ago, the STiD135 is one of the last remnants.

    Regarding price, TBS products are expensive, because they do not have concurrence on this segment. Their great success is based on CrazyCat and deeptho work and a few other people.

    STiD135 blind scan on Windows, is unresolved afte those years.

    Maybe if we could go together funding, we could have a free source usb dvb receiver.

    Some other project exists also.

    DVB Cards collector.

    Hi, if you have a defective dvb card, with CY68013/SAA7160, STV6100/6110/6111/6120, STV0900/0903/0910/0913, please, do not throw away, contact me to add in my collection.

    Thank you. :150:

  • Wenn ich so den Link von un_q_ lese, ist zu befürchten, dass TBS mit der 6903x einen Abverkauf betreibt.
    Aber was danach?
    Mit dem Ende der STV091X basierten Karten, derzeit wird die 6903x als Alternative angeboten, gibt es nun nur halbherzige oder unbrauchbare Produkte.
    So weitblickend ist meine Glaskugel nicht, dass wieder etwas ordentliches auftaucht, nicht einmal bei den teuersten Messgeräten.

    When I read the link from un_q_, I fear that TBS is selling off the 6903x.
    But what after that?
    With the end of the STV091X based cards, currently the 6903x is offered as an alternative, there are now only half-hearted or unusable products.
    My crystal ball is not so far-sighted that something decent will appear again, not even with the most expensive measuring devices.

    Wer nicht die Antennengröße und den ungefähren Standort angibt, postet sinnlos, sofern es um eine Signalerfassung geht.

    If you don't specify the antenna size and the approximate location, posting is useless if it's about signal acquisition.

    Dish & Location

    N 48.602 E 15.553

    240 Irte (Ku/C)

    180 Laminas stationär (KaEABCD/Ku/C/X)

    180 Laminas mobil (all)

    120 Laminas (Ku)

    100 (Ku, 1.9°E/7°E), 100 (Ku, 27.5°W), 85 (Ku, 13°E/16°E/19.2°E)

  • Today I purchased a second hand TBS6903... Hopefully it is OK.

    It is really difficult to get a good card nowadays. I expect it to perform much better than my current TBS6922SE.

  • Finally the TBS6093 arrived. It seems like it is a brand new card inside the sealed plastic bag. However everything else was missing, in particular the power cable.

    I had to sacrifice an old cable (6 pin) and move the jumper to 12V. Looks not quite right, because it now has two black wires instead one black (GND) and one yellow (12V), but works.

    Already tested and it is in fact a big improvement over the TBS6922SE, which does not support Multistream.

    The seller had another one, but I just checked and he meanwhile sold it.

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