• I can find the TBS 6904SE for sale but not 6902SE.

    It's right, moonbase

    Wer nicht die Antennengröße und den ungefähren Standort angibt, postet sinnlos, sofern es um eine Signalerfassung geht.

    If you don't specify the antenna size and the approximate location, posting is useless if it's about signal acquisition.

    Dish & Location

    N 48.602 E 15.553

    240 Irte (Ku/C)

    180 Laminas stationär (KaEABCD/Ku/C/X)

    180 Laminas mobil (all)

    120 Laminas (Ku)

    100 (Ku, 1.9°E/7°E), 100 (Ku, 27.5°W), 85 (Ku, 13°E/16°E/19.2°E)

  • Would anyone please know if the TBS 6902SE card is still on sale? I can find the TBS 6904SE for sale but not 6902SE.

    Thank you.

    As i remember tbs 6902se was never available on sale. Only model 6904se.

    Dish Mabo 180cm Ku 93.5*E-40.5*W(without 76.5*E and 78*E) Ku: Inverto Black Ultra Modified C: Kaonsat KS-N201G
    Prof 7301 S2, TBS 6983
    Poland, Lodz

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