Found by dreamsat on SatsUK
It's hard to work out what this is. It appears stable at geo position 49E and is to the east of Syracuse 3A & 4A. There appear to be 2 transponders. The full band plot also shows something from Syracuse just below the narrow band signal group.
One at 7250-7300MHz, a single wide band signal. There's a 2nd transponder which appear to be about 16MHz wide but only partially occupied with narrow band BPSK signals.
The plots below are centred on 7495MHz (21.4MHz on the scale)
Some of these have intermittent modulation and not all are continuous RF.
I was using the 8.4GHz front end on a 1.2m dish. This is not ideal at 7.5GHz however, it was set to RHCP which is possibly correct for this according to dreamsat.