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4023 V 5700 3/5 '92 News HD' Testcard
1st HD Channel @ 38°E
4023 V 5700 3/5 '92 News HD' Testcard
1st HD Channel @ 38°E
Scan of the day (Linear Horizontal).
3715 V (flysat) Zindagi TV
PS 4023 V, official 92News HD logo
Scan of the day (Linear Vertical).
PS: Not all finding in BS by CrazyScan.
Scan of the day (Linear Horizontal).
PS: 4021 H is not possible today.
3715 V : Venus TV (Flysat)
PS: The Horizontal polarization has never been possible to lock
No problems this evening with Linear Horizontal Scan.
No Changes.
Scan of the Day -Linear Vertical,with 1.50 m dish
Great Satesco !
today the PTV package is weaker than usually but Capital TV on 4184 V is stronger !
als der scan lief, musste ich feststellen, dass die Ausrichtung nicht optimal war:
Hi Feedsat,
Thank you for your appreciation.I used a cheap lnb from China,Eurostar, made specifically for linear polarity.When I used one for circular,the result was poorer.
Best Regards
Hi Kleinraisting,
Very good result,like qwer and Feedsat,but I would ask you to tell what brand of lnb you used and which of large antennas you have for the reception of Paksat 1R? Thanks
Best Regards
hi @ satesco
I use a supermax lnc which is better as the panorama;
why ist it so?
the diameter is greater than the same of panorama or zinnwell.
Ihave a motorised Famval 310 and use the panorama combined with a AV COMM polarwandler.
best regards
"Paksat Middle East" package left 4020 H and has changed Parameter:
4005 H 20100 3/4 DVB-S
PS: 3845 H left
Changing Parameter again on 4005 H, "Paksat Middle East" package:
4005 H 13846 7/8 DVB-S
Scan of the day (horizontal).
Nothing changed.
Changing Services on 4005 H, "Paksat Middle East" package:
4005 H 13846 7/8 DVB-S
"OXYGEN" promo now
Scan of the day (linear vertical).
PS: Not all found in BS.
Signal of the day.
PS: Not controlled, if all are scanned
Scan of the day.
Nothing new here, I think.
PS: 4120 V 2200 5/6 DVB-S "NEWS PLUS" (Test), scanned already on 21.03.15
Scan (horizontal).
Spectrum has changed.
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