07.0°E Eutelsat 7B/7C

  • 11163 H,7500,5/6,Dvb-S2/8PSK-TNA regular feed


    7 antennas,including 2 of 150cm,one T90 with 16 lnbs
    lnb:Inverto Black Ultra with scalar rings and many Ku lnbs,
    C-band LNB:ESX241,Galaxy Inovations,EuroStar,MTI 20K,NS741U C/Ku,Inverto Single C-band Flange,lnb Chaparral Servo Motor & Skew Control
    LNB Ka:R9216DF XWM,Hughes FSS 19.7-20.2 GHz,
    6 satellite receivers,2 Meters,
    7 PC cards(tbs6983,6903,6590,6522,6209,2603,6909X,6903X,6504),3 tuners usb-tbs5927,tbs5925 & SkyStar USB 2 HD,
    Satellite reception between 100.5E-50.0W,
    Loc:Romania :3:

  • 12550 H,14400,3/4,Dvb-S2,8PSK,Feed-Tour de France

    7 antennas,including 2 of 150cm,one T90 with 16 lnbs
    lnb:Inverto Black Ultra with scalar rings and many Ku lnbs,
    C-band LNB:ESX241,Galaxy Inovations,EuroStar,MTI 20K,NS741U C/Ku,Inverto Single C-band Flange,lnb Chaparral Servo Motor & Skew Control
    LNB Ka:R9216DF XWM,Hughes FSS 19.7-20.2 GHz,
    6 satellite receivers,2 Meters,
    7 PC cards(tbs6983,6903,6590,6522,6209,2603,6909X,6903X,6504),3 tuners usb-tbs5927,tbs5925 & SkyStar USB 2 HD,
    Satellite reception between 100.5E-50.0W,
    Loc:Romania :3:

  • 12550 H,14400,3/4,Dvb-S2,8PSK,Feed-Tour de France


    7 antennas,including 2 of 150cm,one T90 with 16 lnbs
    lnb:Inverto Black Ultra with scalar rings and many Ku lnbs,
    C-band LNB:ESX241,Galaxy Inovations,EuroStar,MTI 20K,NS741U C/Ku,Inverto Single C-band Flange,lnb Chaparral Servo Motor & Skew Control
    LNB Ka:R9216DF XWM,Hughes FSS 19.7-20.2 GHz,
    6 satellite receivers,2 Meters,
    7 PC cards(tbs6983,6903,6590,6522,6209,2603,6909X,6903X,6504),3 tuners usb-tbs5927,tbs5925 & SkyStar USB 2 HD,
    Satellite reception between 100.5E-50.0W,
    Loc:Romania :3:

  • FIBA Afrobasket 2015

    11163 H 7500 3/4


    Feedsat's Setup

    - Wineguard Micromesh 3.10 m

    - Channel Master PFA 3.10 m

    - Laminas 1.80 m

    - 2 X Channel Master 1.80 m

    - Channel Master 2.40 m

    - KU, KU Ext.,Full KA, X, C & C Ext

    - TBS5925 -TBS6522 - TBS6983 - DTA2137CSXP

    - NS2000 - RX8200 - ADV-6000S

    - TM1 - TC1 - SR1 - MATRIX DEV1982

    - Promax TV II+

    - Dual Axis multi Antennas controller

    - EGIS - LNB Changer

    - Venture motorisations

    - 78.5°E (KU) <> 65°W (C)

    - Loc: France

  • 11104 H,11426,1/2,Unknown Mode :88:-Feed or what?-Unlocked


    7 antennas,including 2 of 150cm,one T90 with 16 lnbs
    lnb:Inverto Black Ultra with scalar rings and many Ku lnbs,
    C-band LNB:ESX241,Galaxy Inovations,EuroStar,MTI 20K,NS741U C/Ku,Inverto Single C-band Flange,lnb Chaparral Servo Motor & Skew Control
    LNB Ka:R9216DF XWM,Hughes FSS 19.7-20.2 GHz,
    6 satellite receivers,2 Meters,
    7 PC cards(tbs6983,6903,6590,6522,6209,2603,6909X,6903X,6504),3 tuners usb-tbs5927,tbs5925 & SkyStar USB 2 HD,
    Satellite reception between 100.5E-50.0W,
    Loc:Romania :3:

  • Quote

    Original von satesco
    11104 H,11426,1/2,Unknown Mode :88:-Feed or what?-Unlocked

    EBU Feed , the SR is 11428.5 :83:
    You will find more tomorrow and wednesday ...

    Feedsat's Setup

    - Wineguard Micromesh 3.10 m

    - Channel Master PFA 3.10 m

    - Laminas 1.80 m

    - 2 X Channel Master 1.80 m

    - Channel Master 2.40 m

    - KU, KU Ext.,Full KA, X, C & C Ext

    - TBS5925 -TBS6522 - TBS6983 - DTA2137CSXP

    - NS2000 - RX8200 - ADV-6000S

    - TM1 - TC1 - SR1 - MATRIX DEV1982

    - Promax TV II+

    - Dual Axis multi Antennas controller

    - EGIS - LNB Changer

    - Venture motorisations

    - 78.5°E (KU) <> 65°W (C)

    - Loc: France

  • Thanks@Feedsat for the reply,but what modulation is used here by EBU?I assume that should be used a dedicated receiver to lock this signal? :72:

    7 antennas,including 2 of 150cm,one T90 with 16 lnbs
    lnb:Inverto Black Ultra with scalar rings and many Ku lnbs,
    C-band LNB:ESX241,Galaxy Inovations,EuroStar,MTI 20K,NS741U C/Ku,Inverto Single C-band Flange,lnb Chaparral Servo Motor & Skew Control
    LNB Ka:R9216DF XWM,Hughes FSS 19.7-20.2 GHz,
    6 satellite receivers,2 Meters,
    7 PC cards(tbs6983,6903,6590,6522,6209,2603,6909X,6903X,6504),3 tuners usb-tbs5927,tbs5925 & SkyStar USB 2 HD,
    Satellite reception between 100.5E-50.0W,
    Loc:Romania :3:

  • Yes, impossible with TBS card or regular receivers.
    PS: the FEC is not 1/2

    You will found SR @ 5714 & 22857 with no lock.
    It looks like a MIS constellation stream but it's not.

    Feedsat's Setup

    - Wineguard Micromesh 3.10 m

    - Channel Master PFA 3.10 m

    - Laminas 1.80 m

    - 2 X Channel Master 1.80 m

    - Channel Master 2.40 m

    - KU, KU Ext.,Full KA, X, C & C Ext

    - TBS5925 -TBS6522 - TBS6983 - DTA2137CSXP

    - NS2000 - RX8200 - ADV-6000S

    - TM1 - TC1 - SR1 - MATRIX DEV1982

    - Promax TV II+

    - Dual Axis multi Antennas controller

    - EGIS - LNB Changer

    - Venture motorisations

    - 78.5°E (KU) <> 65°W (C)

    - Loc: France

  • Indeed,I came across another similar transpoder on 11012 V,5713,3/4,but this time is in 32 APSK mode,at least on spectrum.
    To understand that EBU will protect his feeds with parameters that cannot be detected by our cards or devices?I wonder what chips are using on their devices?


    7 antennas,including 2 of 150cm,one T90 with 16 lnbs
    lnb:Inverto Black Ultra with scalar rings and many Ku lnbs,
    C-band LNB:ESX241,Galaxy Inovations,EuroStar,MTI 20K,NS741U C/Ku,Inverto Single C-band Flange,lnb Chaparral Servo Motor & Skew Control
    LNB Ka:R9216DF XWM,Hughes FSS 19.7-20.2 GHz,
    6 satellite receivers,2 Meters,
    7 PC cards(tbs6983,6903,6590,6522,6209,2603,6909X,6903X,6504),3 tuners usb-tbs5927,tbs5925 & SkyStar USB 2 HD,
    Satellite reception between 100.5E-50.0W,
    Loc:Romania :3:

  • Unusual SR @7°E for a feed

    11149.5 V 43200 3/4 8PSK (enc)


    Feedsat's Setup

    - Wineguard Micromesh 3.10 m

    - Channel Master PFA 3.10 m

    - Laminas 1.80 m

    - 2 X Channel Master 1.80 m

    - Channel Master 2.40 m

    - KU, KU Ext.,Full KA, X, C & C Ext

    - TBS5925 -TBS6522 - TBS6983 - DTA2137CSXP

    - NS2000 - RX8200 - ADV-6000S

    - TM1 - TC1 - SR1 - MATRIX DEV1982

    - Promax TV II+

    - Dual Axis multi Antennas controller

    - EGIS - LNB Changer

    - Venture motorisations

    - 78.5°E (KU) <> 65°W (C)

    - Loc: France

  • Special Footy fans (we must think about our audience)

    Global soccer award, live from Dubaï, right now

    11164 V 9600 3/4


    Feedsat's Setup

    - Wineguard Micromesh 3.10 m

    - Channel Master PFA 3.10 m

    - Laminas 1.80 m

    - 2 X Channel Master 1.80 m

    - Channel Master 2.40 m

    - KU, KU Ext.,Full KA, X, C & C Ext

    - TBS5925 -TBS6522 - TBS6983 - DTA2137CSXP

    - NS2000 - RX8200 - ADV-6000S

    - TM1 - TC1 - SR1 - MATRIX DEV1982

    - Promax TV II+

    - Dual Axis multi Antennas controller

    - EGIS - LNB Changer

    - Venture motorisations

    - 78.5°E (KU) <> 65°W (C)

    - Loc: France

  • All star game (basket) later, 11128 V 9875 3/4

    PS: Nice view of Dubai on 11145 & 11154 V 7200 3/4

  • 9 Mhz between 2 worlds :140:

    11127 V 7200: "Summer set"

    11136 V 7200 "Winter sport"

  • 11161 H 1875 3/4

    not exactly for the feed, but for the DSNG, "Azam"
    remember, it was a regular feed @ 17°E in Cband


    Feedsat's Setup

    - Wineguard Micromesh 3.10 m

    - Channel Master PFA 3.10 m

    - Laminas 1.80 m

    - 2 X Channel Master 1.80 m

    - Channel Master 2.40 m

    - KU, KU Ext.,Full KA, X, C & C Ext

    - TBS5925 -TBS6522 - TBS6983 - DTA2137CSXP

    - NS2000 - RX8200 - ADV-6000S

    - TM1 - TC1 - SR1 - MATRIX DEV1982

    - Promax TV II+

    - Dual Axis multi Antennas controller

    - EGIS - LNB Changer

    - Venture motorisations

    - 78.5°E (KU) <> 65°W (C)

    - Loc: France

  • CCTV5 (live with commercials) was on 11097 V 7200, it has left during my scan( still empty video)


    Feedsat's Setup

    - Wineguard Micromesh 3.10 m

    - Channel Master PFA 3.10 m

    - Laminas 1.80 m

    - 2 X Channel Master 1.80 m

    - Channel Master 2.40 m

    - KU, KU Ext.,Full KA, X, C & C Ext

    - TBS5925 -TBS6522 - TBS6983 - DTA2137CSXP

    - NS2000 - RX8200 - ADV-6000S

    - TM1 - TC1 - SR1 - MATRIX DEV1982

    - Promax TV II+

    - Dual Axis multi Antennas controller

    - EGIS - LNB Changer

    - Venture motorisations

    - 78.5°E (KU) <> 65°W (C)

    - Loc: France

  • Just for the unusual parameters
    low SR feed

    11028 V 1000 3/4 QPSK2


    Feedsat's Setup

    - Wineguard Micromesh 3.10 m

    - Channel Master PFA 3.10 m

    - Laminas 1.80 m

    - 2 X Channel Master 1.80 m

    - Channel Master 2.40 m

    - KU, KU Ext.,Full KA, X, C & C Ext

    - TBS5925 -TBS6522 - TBS6983 - DTA2137CSXP

    - NS2000 - RX8200 - ADV-6000S

    - TM1 - TC1 - SR1 - MATRIX DEV1982

    - Promax TV II+

    - Dual Axis multi Antennas controller

    - EGIS - LNB Changer

    - Venture motorisations

    - 78.5°E (KU) <> 65°W (C)

    - Loc: France

    • Official Post

    11051 & 11075 V 19200 3/4 LSFA 1 & B (same as the NS3 streams @ 10°E)

    • Official Post

    The Marker

    11028 H 1000 3/4


    Feedsat's Setup

    - Wineguard Micromesh 3.10 m

    - Channel Master PFA 3.10 m

    - Laminas 1.80 m

    - 2 X Channel Master 1.80 m

    - Channel Master 2.40 m

    - KU, KU Ext.,Full KA, X, C & C Ext

    - TBS5925 -TBS6522 - TBS6983 - DTA2137CSXP

    - NS2000 - RX8200 - ADV-6000S

    - TM1 - TC1 - SR1 - MATRIX DEV1982

    - Promax TV II+

    - Dual Axis multi Antennas controller

    - EGIS - LNB Changer

    - Venture motorisations

    - 78.5°E (KU) <> 65°W (C)

    - Loc: France

    • Official Post

    11093 H 9875 3/4


    Feedsat's Setup

    - Wineguard Micromesh 3.10 m

    - Channel Master PFA 3.10 m

    - Laminas 1.80 m

    - 2 X Channel Master 1.80 m

    - Channel Master 2.40 m

    - KU, KU Ext.,Full KA, X, C & C Ext

    - TBS5925 -TBS6522 - TBS6983 - DTA2137CSXP

    - NS2000 - RX8200 - ADV-6000S

    - TM1 - TC1 - SR1 - MATRIX DEV1982

    - Promax TV II+

    - Dual Axis multi Antennas controller

    - EGIS - LNB Changer

    - Venture motorisations

    - 78.5°E (KU) <> 65°W (C)

    - Loc: France

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