Neue StreamReaderEX-BDA
I tested the new Streamreader, with an IQ monitor and a TBS6983 card. It is not working properly. The feedreport does not draw the transponder, and in addition it randomly prints an error.
Du hast recht Peon. Ich war wohl zu euphorisch, was die 119 anbelangt.
Mir fiel zwar auf, dass ich ich manchmal einen "leeren" Feedreport bekam, war aber nicht regelmäßig n selten
You are right Peon. I was probably too euphoric about 119.
I noticed that I sometimes got an "empty" feed report, but it was not always rare
Im Feedreport wird der Wert Inversion 109 angegeben, 119 nicht angegeben.
In the feed report the value Inversion 109 is given, 119 is not given.
Im Spektrum wird er bei der 109 angezeigt, bei der 119 nicht
In the spectrum it is displayed on the 109, but not on the 119
Auch beim Blindscan stehen keine Werte drin
There are no values ??in the blind scan either
Ich verstehe nicht, warum in Folgeversionen immer irgend etwas nicht mehr passt.
Ist ja schlimmer als ein Windows Update.
I don't understand why something doesn't always fit in subsequent versions.
It's worse than a Windows update.
I think CrazyCat optimizes the streamreader for new cards while maintaining support for old ones. However, it is not responsible for problems that arise in programs from other authors.
IQ monitor Pro is set to make the most of the possibilities with the streamreader version.109. If it is strictly bound to certain instructions, then it will have problems with the newer version. I'm not a programmer, Yuri would explain it better.
femi, Peon and others, can you confirm faster RFScan (FFT-scan) in CrazyScan with 119 compared to i.e. 111, 109 etc with TBS 6903x (V2)?
- Official Post
I think CrazyCat optimizes the streamreader for new cards while maintaining support for old ones. However, it is not responsible for problems that arise in programs from other authors.
IQ monitor Pro is set to make the most of the possibilities with the streamreader version.109. If it is strictly bound to certain instructions, then it will have problems with the newer version. I'm not a programmer, Yuri would explain it better.
The problem is that CrazyCat incorrectly modifies his StreamReader, for which we are all very grateful to him.
Instead of adding new parameters to the end of the predefined records, which would provide backward compatibility with programs that used versions prior to 111, he inserted them in the middle of the predetermined records, breaking their structure, which excludes the use of versions older than 110 with IQmonitor and other programs that used the old interface.
It's sad that CrazyCat went this way, but that's his right.
I have a 6903x not the V2 version.
This card cannot really be used in any program, the only useful thing about it is the fan.
I let it run with crazyscan and SR119 once in a while, let's see if something has changed.
Ich habe eine 6903x nicht die V2 Version.
Diese Karte ist in keinem Programm wirklich zu gebrauchen, das einzig brauchbare daran ist der Lüfter.
Ich lasse sie mal bei Gelegenheit mit crazyscan und SR119 laufen, mal sehen ob sich da was geändert hat.
That's exactly how I imagined it to be.
Optimizing for new cards, as Peon wrote, is all well and good, only the "output format" should remain compatible.
Thanks for confirming what I suspected.
Genau so habe ich mir das vorgestellt.
Optimieren für neue Karten, wie Peon schrieb, ist gut und schön, nur das "Ausgabeformat" sollte halt kompatibel bleiben.
Danke für die Bestätigung, was ich schon vermutete.
let's see if something has changed
I meant only speed of RFScan - increased or still the same slow in comparison of other cards you have?
und ausserdem tut Crazycat69 jenseits TBS selbstverständlich auch andere mit Crazyscan "nicht TBS-Karten unterstützen" die hier und dort gar nicht erwähnt werden mit der aktuell Version. mit Blindscan2 wird da meine andere (nicht TBS-Karte) mit der aktuellen streamreader 50% unterstützt. mit IQ-Pro jedoch überhaupt nicht.
Karte kann nur Kurve erzeugen ,sonst garnix.
Das ist Fakt. selbst die dB wird correct angegeben.
Some hours ago https://sourceforge.net/projects/crazy…DA.rar/download
New Crazyscan in 09.01.2022_17:58
Happy New Year 2022!, crazycat
I found there crazyscan 170
Changes for TBS6902SE/TBS6904SE
New Crazyscan in 09.01.2022_17:58
Happy New Year 2022!, crazycat
StreamReaderEx in 20.01.2022
With this version, you can manually lock IQScan symbol rate higher than over 70000, as we have at 15.0W on the two transponders of 107140.
Here's how you were supposed to lock this higher symbol rate before, with the previous version, and now, with Crazyscan
Thanks EnoSat
SR maximum=520000 ok as i posted
New StreamReaderExEx-BDA v. (7.06.2022)
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