Posts by superdish66
qwer or any friend Plz check here
4056 R 1182 3/5 DVB-S2/8PSK ; Galaxie TV
4091 R 2200 5/6 DVB-S2/QPSK ; Wangu RTV
I tried yesterday, even maually. No signal, no constellation for these two Freqs.
I think they really left.
Here's my night scan in L - Range 3800-4200 Mhz
According to last FS' update
4035 L seems to have left
3833 L and 4005 L added manually
Here's my scan in R
Nothing new, I think
superdish66 glad to see your reports after long time!
Thanks N_Stanislav ,
a bit sick in the last few months, but now ready to go ahead
Happy birthday N_Stanislav
superdish66 happy birthday! Best wishes from me!
Thank you guys!!