12645 H on east beam
Posts by Megadish
Scan with 80 cm. dish from 10900 to 11300 (H pol.)
There are Nilesat' s tp.--------------
On my third picture was "NO LOCK" for 11372 H
Thanks Qwer
I don' t understand...
I' ve strong signal also on 11372 H -
10700 - 11700 (V)
11700 - 12750 (V)
10700 - 11700 (H)
11700 - 12750 (H)
Middle East beam - scan 10700 - 11300 (V)
New SR on 4000 H, it' s now 7250.
New channel FTA it's Zee Magic/edit by qwer: Upoader-files have feft.
Hi Friends
8.8 dB for me/edit by qwer: Uploader-files have left.
SABA TV - 3950 L - SR 2221 (NEW)
[SIZE=1]/edit by qwer: Upoader-file has left.[/SIZE]
Excuse me
I see only now page 3 of this thread.
I created a duplicate
It' s better delete or move it. -
I hope this is a new signal
/edit by qwer: Uploader-file has left.
Feedsat & Dx qwer
Thanks for welcome.
I will update my signature -
Hi All ;)
I found 2 ACM/VCM signal on E7WA (double click for giant pics)
Best Regards
/edit by qwer: Uploader files have left.