Blagovest Series

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    45.00°E Blagovest 1


    Original von Feedsat

    Yes it was my source to find this satellite, I didn't see it listed in your chart

    (never heard about this satellite before today to be honnest...)

    Does anyone have details of the Q band downlink & beacon for this satellite? The only reference I have found with any detail is this pdf which has a picture of the Q band filter…va-ed15_eng.pdf

    hvdh: fixed link

    1.2m Prodelin 3122 az-el (Not in use) with one of:
    S: Helical feed, 0.8dB NF LNA, X: 1.2dB NF LNA, conical feed, Ku 12-18GHz: corrugated conical feed, 1.5dB NF LNA, Ku (Standard): SMW Q-PLL type C, Prodelin feed. Ku (Extended): 11.3GHz LO SMW & Prodelin Feed Ka: Gilat ex-ODU PLLs Gilat feeds, Ka 18-26.5GHz: Patriot feed, home made 4dB NF LNA, Ka DSN: Corrugated conical feed, 3dB NF Down-Converter

    1.8m PF, Polar mount with SMW Q-PLL type C or R, Precision/Elite feed
    40km East of London, UK

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von s-band (30. August 2020 um 12:02) aus folgendem Grund: Satellite reference restored

  • s-band 25. Juni 2023 um 13:57

    Hat den Titel des Themas von „Q-band beacons“ zu „Blagovest Series“ geändert.
  • I tried the Q band down converter on the 1.2m dish. The feed under-illuminates so it's probably equivalent to a 0.6m dish.

    I scanned 45E and 12E over a range of 39.2-41GHz with fixed vertical (at 0E) polarisation. I tried wide bandwidths of 1 & 5MHz which would show wide transponders - nothing. Similarly, I could not see anything in narrow bandwidths but did not spend long on that. Q band can describe 38-50GHz so, even if something is pointed this way, I may not have hit the right band.

    1.2m Prodelin 3122 az-el (Not in use) with one of:
    S: Helical feed, 0.8dB NF LNA, X: 1.2dB NF LNA, conical feed, Ku 12-18GHz: corrugated conical feed, 1.5dB NF LNA, Ku (Standard): SMW Q-PLL type C, Prodelin feed. Ku (Extended): 11.3GHz LO SMW & Prodelin Feed Ka: Gilat ex-ODU PLLs Gilat feeds, Ka 18-26.5GHz: Patriot feed, home made 4dB NF LNA, Ka DSN: Corrugated conical feed, 3dB NF Down-Converter

    1.8m PF, Polar mount with SMW Q-PLL type C or R, Precision/Elite feed
    40km East of London, UK

  • The paper is a little confusing due to the wording but I think that the only downlinks are in Ka band with the uplink at 43924-44524 MHz. Page 5 has this about the ground stations:

    The Ka/Q dual-band irradiation system has the following characteristics:

    at signal transmission frequencies (43.924-44.524 GHz) – left circular polarization;

    at signal receiving frequencies (19.172-19.792 GHz) – right circular polarization;

    and this:

    A Ka/Ka dual-band irradiation system has the following characteristics:

    at signal transmission frequencies (27.510-27.804 GHz) – left circular polarization;

    at signal receiving frequencies (17.710-18.004 GHz) – right circular polarization;

    Given that the coverage area is Arctic Russia, I would not expect much signal in the UK. However, I'm sure I've seen low level signals in Ka band E from around 12E.

    1.2m Prodelin 3122 az-el (Not in use) with one of:
    S: Helical feed, 0.8dB NF LNA, X: 1.2dB NF LNA, conical feed, Ku 12-18GHz: corrugated conical feed, 1.5dB NF LNA, Ku (Standard): SMW Q-PLL type C, Prodelin feed. Ku (Extended): 11.3GHz LO SMW & Prodelin Feed Ka: Gilat ex-ODU PLLs Gilat feeds, Ka 18-26.5GHz: Patriot feed, home made 4dB NF LNA, Ka DSN: Corrugated conical feed, 3dB NF Down-Converter

    1.8m PF, Polar mount with SMW Q-PLL type C or R, Precision/Elite feed
    40km East of London, UK

  • Indeed, the paper goes into detail about the Ka / Q (20/44 GHz) system, but not into the Q/Q (33/50 GHz) system.

    So there's no clue where it downlinks in Q-band.
    It should be somewhere in the 37.5 to 42.5 GHz range. according ITU Radio Regulations.

    In any case, little chance it beams outside Russia.

    Location: Oss, NL, 5.5°E 51.8°N. Rx: Dr.HD F16, TBS 5927.
    Laminas 120cm 1°W...68°E, T-55 9/13/19/23/28/39/42/45°E.

  • I can't see any traffic signals on either Ka band. The beacons , presumably with omni antennas, are visible on both 12E and 45E. It's interesting that the LH & RH frequencies are opposite if the 2 are compared.

    See: Blagovest 1 & Blagovest 4

    1.2m Prodelin 3122 az-el (Not in use) with one of:
    S: Helical feed, 0.8dB NF LNA, X: 1.2dB NF LNA, conical feed, Ku 12-18GHz: corrugated conical feed, 1.5dB NF LNA, Ku (Standard): SMW Q-PLL type C, Prodelin feed. Ku (Extended): 11.3GHz LO SMW & Prodelin Feed Ka: Gilat ex-ODU PLLs Gilat feeds, Ka 18-26.5GHz: Patriot feed, home made 4dB NF LNA, Ka DSN: Corrugated conical feed, 3dB NF Down-Converter

    1.8m PF, Polar mount with SMW Q-PLL type C or R, Precision/Elite feed
    40km East of London, UK

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