Beiträge von s-band

    I question if it's worth spending time on X milsat but can't help it! Originally, I did it as a stepping stone to DSN. There's a lot to be found in the Earth observation part 7.75-8.4GHz so it's worth getting an LNB that will cover it all if possible. I've never tried them but I think this company has much better pricing than SMW/Norsat etc. I believe that they will do custom versions as well.

    1.5m is fine for milsat and Earth obs. I was using a 1.2m before this 1.8m.

    These 2 were first found by dreamsat on SatsUK. There must be more on the streams but I can only see the 2 channels with 640 x 360 resolution. It took a while to get full pictures from 7702MHz and I did not manage to get any complete frames from 7649MHz. There were bursts of audio form each. I was using a 1.8m PF dish.



    I put the electronics and scalar from this post on the C band mount on a Precision (Elite) 1.8m PF dish. I'm not sure what effect the C band scalar has on the X band performance. It worked best with the X scalar fully inside the C band scalar.


    SaTom Here are 2 plots from some tests that I did 2 years ago. Use of 5G has increased since then. I used a portable spectrum analyser with a 23dB gain LNA and a ridged guide horn (9dB gain). I turned the antenna slowly through 360 degrees in both polarisations to capture the max hold trace (blue). The black trace is a singles sweep. The peak on the analyser is about -30dBm. Offsetting for the 23dB LNA and the 9dBi (6.6dBd) antenna gives a level equivalent to around -60dBm peak into a dipole.

    One thing that can confuse the issue is the pulse nature of 5G. The plot below shows the time domain signal at one frequency. DVB is very susceptible to the effects of pulse interference as it can prevent or disturb locking.

    I put a C band feed on a 1.8m PF dish for the first time in many years. My horizon is limited by trees and is around 55E to 55W. It seems that the 5G is coming from the south east of me. I was using an AV-COMM polariser and an NJS8476EN LNB (3.4-4.2GHz) and the IF cable loss was 6dB at 1.5GHz.

    The interference is marked on the RHCP plot from Express AM7 (blue - single sweep, magenta - max. hold). Although there doesn't seem to be any interference on the signal shown on CS, there were times when the BER was non-zero. There is also a curious shape to the constellation. The TV picture was OK. I suspect that the effect on 3739MHz was due to low level intermodulation products or blocking from 5G, possibly in the L band tuner. Note that the spectrum blots below are from 3.4 to 4.2GHz and show negative frequencies since the analyser does not calculate high side translations correctly.


    Turning the dish to 55E produced this plot:

    Here the peak level out of the LNB was around 0dBm. It's hard to tell what the total power was. At that level the LNB is being overloaded. The major effect of IMD is identified in red. There may also be blocking effect where peak pulses with suppress a wanted signal. In this case, not much would be receivable if there had been a satellite at that location. 0dBm going into an L band tuner will cause even more problems.

    Welche oder welche Art von Receiver verwenden Sie für die DVB-T2-Signale!?

    For normal broadcast TV I use an old Humax PVR designed for UK Freeview.

    To set up antennas and test COFDM link transmitters a TBS5520SE is cheap and works well with Crazyscan 2. I don't think it would be the greatest for DXing. It's also useful to use with a laptop when aligning dishes.

    Für normales Fernsehprogramm verwende ich einen alten Humax PVR, der für Freeview in Großbritannien entwickelt wurde.

    Zum Einrichten von Antennen und Testen von COFDM-Link-Sendern ist ein TBS5520SE günstig und funktioniert gut mit Crazyscan 2. Ich glaube nicht, dass es für DXing das Beste wäre. Es ist auch praktisch, es mit einem Laptop zu verwenden, wenn man Schüsseln ausrichtet.

    I could only check horizontal polarisation but there were 3 signals today including the beacon. I used an SMW Q-PLL type R set to 11.3GHz LO. It's not great with a NF of 3-4dB at 13.6G. 1.8m dish.

    Beacon on 13401H

    Carrier on 13584H

    Frequency hopper. 13416H = 421.4MHz, spectrum inverted. Approx 1 hop/second

    I think Watan is now on 11660H and sitting on top of the 2000ks signal at 11661 with another narrow signal, on 11665, which extends the apparent bandwidth of Watan's 10500ks. Watan is around 7dB SNR at the moment and has a similar signal strength to that which it had when it was in the clear at 13dB.

    from 6/6/24:

    and today: