
  • Mitglied seit 5. Oktober 2017
  • Letzte Aktivität: 26. Juli 2024 um 13:55

I use Promax Ranger 2

Do you have CW?


9F 04 96 39 21 7E 8F 2E

let me know if promax shows you correct data for this feed

The promax cannot be hooked to NS3 or NS4.

DVB S2 only

How can you access the CW.

They are not published in the forum, or I did not find where they are.

Is there a link to the site?

I can search for it with V1 or V2 tables, but if there is a site where it is, I save myself that work. With NS3 it's quite complicated.

You must use elements external to the computer.

I have my own tables created 10 years ago so there is no problem for me with CW ,i dont't think that cw for ns3 will be published abywhere on forum etc.. .regarding promax i know is not ns3 but i think it show aproximate frequency with something with similar to correct SR


Feedsat publishes these feeds with the images open. He has CW so he can see it. But it is not writing the Symbol Rate and sometimes neither is Frequency and Polarity It would be helpful if you provide that information. CW in a private Telegram group, it would be a breakthrough for everyone. Do you have a Novelsat NS 2000 and RX8200 receiver? My telegram. @Zerausu Good day