• Currently no signal on 21534 H Vision 4 RCA (Cameroon) and under lock: 21541 H Eden TV (Benin).

    /edit: 21534 H Vision 4 RCA (Cameroon) appeared ... about 30min later... :26.

    qwer setup

    Location: Rastatt, Germany

    C-band: 55.5°West-68.5°East ORBITRON O-16 (4,9m)

    X-band: 17.8°W-60.2°E KATHREIN CAS 120 (1,2m)

    Ku-band: 61.0°West-80.0°East KATHREIN CAS 23 (2,2m)

    Ka-band A/B/C/D: 30.0°W-75.0°E KATHREIN CAS 018 (1,8m)

    Ka-band band A 2x KATHREIN CAS 120 fix on 19.2°E and 42.0°E

    Ku-band LNB: Invacom SNF-031, Inverto Single Flange

    C-band LNBs: Kaonsat, C-Panorama 13K, Norsat 8000RI C-DRO, BrasilSat LNBF AP30 PLL

    Ka-Band LNBs: Inverto Twin WHITE Ka Circular Dual Polarity LNB (flange), Inverto IDLK-SINL20-KAKU-OPP,MCL-KP04, Norsat 9000HX-O3B-BN, Orbital LNB1825F-1000D-WF55

    X-band LNB: Norsat X1000HAF

    Feeds: Invacom ADF_10 + 2 rings, XMW Ka-band Feed FD9000K

    Waveguide Polariser: AV-COMM

    Tuner: TBS 6925, TBS 6903, TBS 6903X, TBS 6522

    >qwer setup

  • Signal at my position, antenna 2.5m.

    Geoposition: 48,71N, 21,92E. Promax Ranger Neo 2, TBS5925 :73: , TBS6983, TBS6903, TBS6903x, TBS6903x V2, TBS6522, TBS5520SE, TBS5927, TBS5590, Prof7301, PF 250cm, ADE antenna 370cm. Full band LNBs: S, L, C: NJS8487S PLL , NJS8488S PLL, X PLL, Ku NJR2842S PLL, Bullseye 10kHz PLL, full Ka band PLL, and other iron for DX reception, 53W - 98E. :68:

  • Thanks Peon for your scan, it looks great! :76:

    ...hey just locked on the limit again, using 1.8m, on 21541 H.

    qwer setup

    Location: Rastatt, Germany

    C-band: 55.5°West-68.5°East ORBITRON O-16 (4,9m)

    X-band: 17.8°W-60.2°E KATHREIN CAS 120 (1,2m)

    Ku-band: 61.0°West-80.0°East KATHREIN CAS 23 (2,2m)

    Ka-band A/B/C/D: 30.0°W-75.0°E KATHREIN CAS 018 (1,8m)

    Ka-band band A 2x KATHREIN CAS 120 fix on 19.2°E and 42.0°E

    Ku-band LNB: Invacom SNF-031, Inverto Single Flange

    C-band LNBs: Kaonsat, C-Panorama 13K, Norsat 8000RI C-DRO, BrasilSat LNBF AP30 PLL

    Ka-Band LNBs: Inverto Twin WHITE Ka Circular Dual Polarity LNB (flange), Inverto IDLK-SINL20-KAKU-OPP,MCL-KP04, Norsat 9000HX-O3B-BN, Orbital LNB1825F-1000D-WF55

    X-band LNB: Norsat X1000HAF

    Feeds: Invacom ADF_10 + 2 rings, XMW Ka-band Feed FD9000K

    Waveguide Polariser: AV-COMM

    Tuner: TBS 6925, TBS 6903, TBS 6903X, TBS 6522

    >qwer setup

  • For a better comparison with your scan, I am also attaching CS.

    Geoposition: 48,71N, 21,92E. Promax Ranger Neo 2, TBS5925 :73: , TBS6983, TBS6903, TBS6903x, TBS6903x V2, TBS6522, TBS5520SE, TBS5927, TBS5590, Prof7301, PF 250cm, ADE antenna 370cm. Full band LNBs: S, L, C: NJS8487S PLL , NJS8488S PLL, X PLL, Ku NJR2842S PLL, Bullseye 10kHz PLL, full Ka band PLL, and other iron for DX reception, 53W - 98E. :68:

  • Heute früh mit sehr sehr viel Wolken ( 18°)

    This morning with very very much clouds ( 18°)

    1.80m Ch.Master Revolver 5 LNB

    IBU twin , Bulleye 10kHz, Kaonsat 13K, Inverto KaKuband,Kaband ( A)

    TBS6983; Openbox SX3 CI II ; Ustym 4K Pro ;GTMedia Combo; F15

  • Um mit peon zu vergleichen , das Gleiche mit IQMonitor

    Im Laufe des tages wird 21542 H immer schwächer ( bei mir )

    and to compare with peon , the same test with IQMonitor .

    the power of 21542 H always decreases in the course of the day (for my place of reception)

    1.80m Ch.Master Revolver 5 LNB

    IBU twin , Bulleye 10kHz, Kaonsat 13K, Inverto KaKuband,Kaband ( A)

    TBS6983; Openbox SX3 CI II ; Ustym 4K Pro ;GTMedia Combo; F15

  • 21541 ändert im Sekundentakt lockable - not lockable

    21579 ist sehr breitbandig, hier fehlen allerdings ~3dB

    Klickt man auf die schmalen Peaks, bekommt man einen Feddreport des nächstgelegenen höheren Transponder.

    21541 changes lockable - not lockable every second

    21579 is very broadband, but ~3dB is missing here

    If you click on the narrow peaks, you get a fed report of the nearest higher transponder.

    Wer nicht die Antennengröße und den ungefähren Standort angibt, postet sinnlos, sofern es um eine Signalerfassung geht.

    If you don't specify the antenna size and the approximate location, posting is useless if it's about signal acquisition.

    Dish & Location

    N 48.602 E 15.553

    240 Irte (Ku/C)

    180 Laminas stationär (KaEABCD/Ku/C/X)

    180 Laminas mobil (all)

    120 Laminas (Ku)

    100 (Ku, 1.9°E/7°E), 100 (Ku, 27.5°W), 85 (Ku, 13°E/16°E/19.2°E)

  • Getting them all on 1.8m at my place on perfect conditions...

    qwer setup

    Location: Rastatt, Germany

    C-band: 55.5°West-68.5°East ORBITRON O-16 (4,9m)

    X-band: 17.8°W-60.2°E KATHREIN CAS 120 (1,2m)

    Ku-band: 61.0°West-80.0°East KATHREIN CAS 23 (2,2m)

    Ka-band A/B/C/D: 30.0°W-75.0°E KATHREIN CAS 018 (1,8m)

    Ka-band band A 2x KATHREIN CAS 120 fix on 19.2°E and 42.0°E

    Ku-band LNB: Invacom SNF-031, Inverto Single Flange

    C-band LNBs: Kaonsat, C-Panorama 13K, Norsat 8000RI C-DRO, BrasilSat LNBF AP30 PLL

    Ka-Band LNBs: Inverto Twin WHITE Ka Circular Dual Polarity LNB (flange), Inverto IDLK-SINL20-KAKU-OPP,MCL-KP04, Norsat 9000HX-O3B-BN, Orbital LNB1825F-1000D-WF55

    X-band LNB: Norsat X1000HAF

    Feeds: Invacom ADF_10 + 2 rings, XMW Ka-band Feed FD9000K

    Waveguide Polariser: AV-COMM

    Tuner: TBS 6925, TBS 6903, TBS 6903X, TBS 6522

    >qwer setup

  • Just my current scan and content on this position.

    Probably new here, but unlocked on 1.8m from my place:

    21557 H 1250 3/4 DVB-S2 8PSK

    21541 H 1070 3/4 DVB-S2 8PSK, Eden TV - no signal here

    21576 H 3675 3/4 DVB-S2 8PSK, Canal Movies only black screen at scan time

    qwer setup

    Location: Rastatt, Germany

    C-band: 55.5°West-68.5°East ORBITRON O-16 (4,9m)

    X-band: 17.8°W-60.2°E KATHREIN CAS 120 (1,2m)

    Ku-band: 61.0°West-80.0°East KATHREIN CAS 23 (2,2m)

    Ka-band A/B/C/D: 30.0°W-75.0°E KATHREIN CAS 018 (1,8m)

    Ka-band band A 2x KATHREIN CAS 120 fix on 19.2°E and 42.0°E

    Ku-band LNB: Invacom SNF-031, Inverto Single Flange

    C-band LNBs: Kaonsat, C-Panorama 13K, Norsat 8000RI C-DRO, BrasilSat LNBF AP30 PLL

    Ka-Band LNBs: Inverto Twin WHITE Ka Circular Dual Polarity LNB (flange), Inverto IDLK-SINL20-KAKU-OPP,MCL-KP04, Norsat 9000HX-O3B-BN, Orbital LNB1825F-1000D-WF55

    X-band LNB: Norsat X1000HAF

    Feeds: Invacom ADF_10 + 2 rings, XMW Ka-band Feed FD9000K

    Waveguide Polariser: AV-COMM

    Tuner: TBS 6925, TBS 6903, TBS 6903X, TBS 6522

    >qwer setup

  • Probably new here, but unlocked on 1.8m from my place:

    21557 H 1250 3/4 DVB-S2 8PSK

    :49: Better signal for me in the morning hours on 21557 H, but still 2.9dB under LM (1.8m).

    qwer setup

    Location: Rastatt, Germany

    C-band: 55.5°West-68.5°East ORBITRON O-16 (4,9m)

    X-band: 17.8°W-60.2°E KATHREIN CAS 120 (1,2m)

    Ku-band: 61.0°West-80.0°East KATHREIN CAS 23 (2,2m)

    Ka-band A/B/C/D: 30.0°W-75.0°E KATHREIN CAS 018 (1,8m)

    Ka-band band A 2x KATHREIN CAS 120 fix on 19.2°E and 42.0°E

    Ku-band LNB: Invacom SNF-031, Inverto Single Flange

    C-band LNBs: Kaonsat, C-Panorama 13K, Norsat 8000RI C-DRO, BrasilSat LNBF AP30 PLL

    Ka-Band LNBs: Inverto Twin WHITE Ka Circular Dual Polarity LNB (flange), Inverto IDLK-SINL20-KAKU-OPP,MCL-KP04, Norsat 9000HX-O3B-BN, Orbital LNB1825F-1000D-WF55

    X-band LNB: Norsat X1000HAF

    Feeds: Invacom ADF_10 + 2 rings, XMW Ka-band Feed FD9000K

    Waveguide Polariser: AV-COMM

    Tuner: TBS 6925, TBS 6903, TBS 6903X, TBS 6522

    >qwer setup

  • Nicht besser bei mir :88:

    No better for me :88:

    1.80m Ch.Master Revolver 5 LNB

    IBU twin , Bulleye 10kHz, Kaonsat 13K, Inverto KaKuband,Kaband ( A)

    TBS6983; Openbox SX3 CI II ; Ustym 4K Pro ;GTMedia Combo; F15

  • 21556 H 1182 3/5 ist sehr schwach und instabil

    21579 H wird mit der TBS6908 gefunden. hier kein lock möglich.

    Mit der TBS6522 springt der Feedreport auf den nächst möglichen Transponder.

    21556 H 1182 3/5 is very weak and unstable

    21579 H is found with TBS6908. no lock possible here.

    With the TBS6522, the feed report jumps to the next possible transponder.

    Wer nicht die Antennengröße und den ungefähren Standort angibt, postet sinnlos, sofern es um eine Signalerfassung geht.

    If you don't specify the antenna size and the approximate location, posting is useless if it's about signal acquisition.

    Dish & Location

    N 48.602 E 15.553

    240 Irte (Ku/C)

    180 Laminas stationär (KaEABCD/Ku/C/X)

    180 Laminas mobil (all)

    120 Laminas (Ku)

    100 (Ku, 1.9°E/7°E), 100 (Ku, 27.5°W), 85 (Ku, 13°E/16°E/19.2°E)

  • Probably new here, but unlocked on 1.8m from my place:

    21557 H 1250 3/4 DVB-S2 8PSK

    ...arrrgh... it looks like a biger dish required for this one... :171:

    qwer setup

    Location: Rastatt, Germany

    C-band: 55.5°West-68.5°East ORBITRON O-16 (4,9m)

    X-band: 17.8°W-60.2°E KATHREIN CAS 120 (1,2m)

    Ku-band: 61.0°West-80.0°East KATHREIN CAS 23 (2,2m)

    Ka-band A/B/C/D: 30.0°W-75.0°E KATHREIN CAS 018 (1,8m)

    Ka-band band A 2x KATHREIN CAS 120 fix on 19.2°E and 42.0°E

    Ku-band LNB: Invacom SNF-031, Inverto Single Flange

    C-band LNBs: Kaonsat, C-Panorama 13K, Norsat 8000RI C-DRO, BrasilSat LNBF AP30 PLL

    Ka-Band LNBs: Inverto Twin WHITE Ka Circular Dual Polarity LNB (flange), Inverto IDLK-SINL20-KAKU-OPP,MCL-KP04, Norsat 9000HX-O3B-BN, Orbital LNB1825F-1000D-WF55

    X-band LNB: Norsat X1000HAF

    Feeds: Invacom ADF_10 + 2 rings, XMW Ka-band Feed FD9000K

    Waveguide Polariser: AV-COMM

    Tuner: TBS 6925, TBS 6903, TBS 6903X, TBS 6522

    >qwer setup

  • Die angegebene EIRP auf diesen Transponder bei Flysat schrieben schon Brüder Grimm :10:

    The Brothers Grimm already wrote the specified EIRP on this transponder at Flysat :10:

    Wer nicht die Antennengröße und den ungefähren Standort angibt, postet sinnlos, sofern es um eine Signalerfassung geht.

    If you don't specify the antenna size and the approximate location, posting is useless if it's about signal acquisition.

    Dish & Location

    N 48.602 E 15.553

    240 Irte (Ku/C)

    180 Laminas stationär (KaEABCD/Ku/C/X)

    180 Laminas mobil (all)

    120 Laminas (Ku)

    100 (Ku, 1.9°E/7°E), 100 (Ku, 27.5°W), 85 (Ku, 13°E/16°E/19.2°E)

  • 21557 H 1250 3/4 DVB-S2 8PSK

    ... just a look for a lock... one month later... without luck... :9:

    qwer setup

    Location: Rastatt, Germany

    C-band: 55.5°West-68.5°East ORBITRON O-16 (4,9m)

    X-band: 17.8°W-60.2°E KATHREIN CAS 120 (1,2m)

    Ku-band: 61.0°West-80.0°East KATHREIN CAS 23 (2,2m)

    Ka-band A/B/C/D: 30.0°W-75.0°E KATHREIN CAS 018 (1,8m)

    Ka-band band A 2x KATHREIN CAS 120 fix on 19.2°E and 42.0°E

    Ku-band LNB: Invacom SNF-031, Inverto Single Flange

    C-band LNBs: Kaonsat, C-Panorama 13K, Norsat 8000RI C-DRO, BrasilSat LNBF AP30 PLL

    Ka-Band LNBs: Inverto Twin WHITE Ka Circular Dual Polarity LNB (flange), Inverto IDLK-SINL20-KAKU-OPP,MCL-KP04, Norsat 9000HX-O3B-BN, Orbital LNB1825F-1000D-WF55

    X-band LNB: Norsat X1000HAF

    Feeds: Invacom ADF_10 + 2 rings, XMW Ka-band Feed FD9000K

    Waveguide Polariser: AV-COMM

    Tuner: TBS 6925, TBS 6903, TBS 6903X, TBS 6522

    >qwer setup

  • no news


    Wer nicht die Antennengröße und den ungefähren Standort angibt, postet sinnlos, sofern es um eine Signalerfassung geht.

    If you don't specify the antenna size and the approximate location, posting is useless if it's about signal acquisition.

    Dish & Location

    N 48.602 E 15.553

    240 Irte (Ku/C)

    180 Laminas stationär (KaEABCD/Ku/C/X)

    180 Laminas mobil (all)

    120 Laminas (Ku)

    100 (Ku, 1.9°E/7°E), 100 (Ku, 27.5°W), 85 (Ku, 13°E/16°E/19.2°E)

  • 21576 H 3675 3/4 DVB-S2 8PSK

    Changing parameter, but not my catch... N_Stanislav on LyngSat 09.05.2024... :71:

    21575 H 2419 3/4 DVB-S2 8PSK, Canal 2 International (Cameroon)

    qwer setup

    Location: Rastatt, Germany

    C-band: 55.5°West-68.5°East ORBITRON O-16 (4,9m)

    X-band: 17.8°W-60.2°E KATHREIN CAS 120 (1,2m)

    Ku-band: 61.0°West-80.0°East KATHREIN CAS 23 (2,2m)

    Ka-band A/B/C/D: 30.0°W-75.0°E KATHREIN CAS 018 (1,8m)

    Ka-band band A 2x KATHREIN CAS 120 fix on 19.2°E and 42.0°E

    Ku-band LNB: Invacom SNF-031, Inverto Single Flange

    C-band LNBs: Kaonsat, C-Panorama 13K, Norsat 8000RI C-DRO, BrasilSat LNBF AP30 PLL

    Ka-Band LNBs: Inverto Twin WHITE Ka Circular Dual Polarity LNB (flange), Inverto IDLK-SINL20-KAKU-OPP,MCL-KP04, Norsat 9000HX-O3B-BN, Orbital LNB1825F-1000D-WF55

    X-band LNB: Norsat X1000HAF

    Feeds: Invacom ADF_10 + 2 rings, XMW Ka-band Feed FD9000K

    Waveguide Polariser: AV-COMM

    Tuner: TBS 6925, TBS 6903, TBS 6903X, TBS 6522

    >qwer setup

  • Just my summer scan...
    It looks, like (my no-locked) 12557 H 1250 3/4 has left...

    qwer setup

    Location: Rastatt, Germany

    C-band: 55.5°West-68.5°East ORBITRON O-16 (4,9m)

    X-band: 17.8°W-60.2°E KATHREIN CAS 120 (1,2m)

    Ku-band: 61.0°West-80.0°East KATHREIN CAS 23 (2,2m)

    Ka-band A/B/C/D: 30.0°W-75.0°E KATHREIN CAS 018 (1,8m)

    Ka-band band A 2x KATHREIN CAS 120 fix on 19.2°E and 42.0°E

    Ku-band LNB: Invacom SNF-031, Inverto Single Flange

    C-band LNBs: Kaonsat, C-Panorama 13K, Norsat 8000RI C-DRO, BrasilSat LNBF AP30 PLL

    Ka-Band LNBs: Inverto Twin WHITE Ka Circular Dual Polarity LNB (flange), Inverto IDLK-SINL20-KAKU-OPP,MCL-KP04, Norsat 9000HX-O3B-BN, Orbital LNB1825F-1000D-WF55

    X-band LNB: Norsat X1000HAF

    Feeds: Invacom ADF_10 + 2 rings, XMW Ka-band Feed FD9000K

    Waveguide Polariser: AV-COMM

    Tuner: TBS 6925, TBS 6903, TBS 6903X, TBS 6522

    >qwer setup

  • 12557 H :25:

    Wer nicht die Antennengröße und den ungefähren Standort angibt, postet sinnlos, sofern es um eine Signalerfassung geht.

    If you don't specify the antenna size and the approximate location, posting is useless if it's about signal acquisition.

    Dish & Location

    N 48.602 E 15.553

    240 Irte (Ku/C)

    180 Laminas stationär (KaEABCD/Ku/C/X)

    180 Laminas mobil (all)

    120 Laminas (Ku)

    100 (Ku, 1.9°E/7°E), 100 (Ku, 27.5°W), 85 (Ku, 13°E/16°E/19.2°E)

  • 21557 H

    qwer setup

    Location: Rastatt, Germany

    C-band: 55.5°West-68.5°East ORBITRON O-16 (4,9m)

    X-band: 17.8°W-60.2°E KATHREIN CAS 120 (1,2m)

    Ku-band: 61.0°West-80.0°East KATHREIN CAS 23 (2,2m)

    Ka-band A/B/C/D: 30.0°W-75.0°E KATHREIN CAS 018 (1,8m)

    Ka-band band A 2x KATHREIN CAS 120 fix on 19.2°E and 42.0°E

    Ku-band LNB: Invacom SNF-031, Inverto Single Flange

    C-band LNBs: Kaonsat, C-Panorama 13K, Norsat 8000RI C-DRO, BrasilSat LNBF AP30 PLL

    Ka-Band LNBs: Inverto Twin WHITE Ka Circular Dual Polarity LNB (flange), Inverto IDLK-SINL20-KAKU-OPP,MCL-KP04, Norsat 9000HX-O3B-BN, Orbital LNB1825F-1000D-WF55

    X-band LNB: Norsat X1000HAF

    Feeds: Invacom ADF_10 + 2 rings, XMW Ka-band Feed FD9000K

    Waveguide Polariser: AV-COMM

    Tuner: TBS 6925, TBS 6903, TBS 6903X, TBS 6522

    >qwer setup

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