Gold Master 525 Fantastic tool

  • The latest version of the GoldMaster SR-525HD “R.A.M.F SNR Reports” reporting application!

    The new version is 3.15.01 (beta release)

    This time, a new special function, which can almost be called the "Holy Grail" for DX amateurs, will be presented, which until now was almost only available with high-end premium devices (Unaohm, Rover, Televes, Rohde and Schwarz, Sefram, etc.), namely the LM i.e. Lock Margin measurement method!

    Of course, the application also contains additional surprises and updates, the most noteworthy of which is that the application can now be integrated into systems as a browser extension. J

    What happened so far?

    It was presented, why and how important it is to have not only instantaneous measurement results, but also 24-hour measurement results displayed on a graph, since it is not uncommon for signal loss to occur even with a precisely adjusted antenna. Its causes have also been established, which are none other than e.g. the effect of the combination of low signal level and satellite wobble. Last but not least, it was detailed how this software helps to eliminate this phenomenon with a high probability.

    NOW, the LM or Lock Margin measurement function is introduced:

    The Lock Margin parameter is an essential part of every receptcions report, which provides information on the value at which the receptoin exceeds the minimum signal level at the given moment, and in the case of a minus sign, what is the value that would be necessary for a successful reception. (e.g. UV green markering, where a -0.3 dB signal loss is visible)

    This is a very important function of the software, from now on e.g. in the case of the signal loss described above, information is not only available about the time of its occurrence and its time window, which is of course very useful in itself, but also about its extent, so it can be determined exactly what level of difference we are facing!

    Change log:

    * the software can already be integrated as a browser extension

    * can be run on both mobile (e.g. Android, iPhone) and desktop (Windows, Linux, Mac OSX) devices

    * modified user interface

    (Corrected menu, value and parameter names)

    *new application icon and "About" menu

    Have nice weekend!

    Best regards: The developer, and SaTom


    Andrew 370 cm PFA (26E/28.2E UK); 2x180 cm PFA (7E EUB,W; 7W NWA,MENA); Parsat 220 cm PFA; Hirschmann 130 cm (26E); SAB 100 cm (52E E,W); Wavefrontier T90 (5W, 4W, 0.8W, 9E, 13E, 19E, 31,5E) Visiosat 96 Gregorian

    Dr. HD Grand Triple; Illusionsat M3; iBravebox V7; TBS6903; GoldMaster SR-525; Amiko A5 Combo; GTMedia GT Combo

  • Hi, Ocean!

    Yes, this function working in the according to the user manual "Open_WEB_API_ver.1.17_eng.doc":

    "Status field--->Description

    snr--->signal quality, dB

    lm_snr--->link margin, dB"

    In the previous picture showed the unlocked signal, and negative Lock Margin, -0,3 dB.

    Bests, regards


    Andrew 370 cm PFA (26E/28.2E UK); 2x180 cm PFA (7E EUB,W; 7W NWA,MENA); Parsat 220 cm PFA; Hirschmann 130 cm (26E); SAB 100 cm (52E E,W); Wavefrontier T90 (5W, 4W, 0.8W, 9E, 13E, 19E, 31,5E) Visiosat 96 Gregorian

    Dr. HD Grand Triple; Illusionsat M3; iBravebox V7; TBS6903; GoldMaster SR-525; Amiko A5 Combo; GTMedia GT Combo

  • In the previous picture showed the unlocked signal, and negative Lock Margin, -0,3 dB.

    I did see that, but 0.3 is too small difference to tell much.. I would like to see graph where it goes at least 1db bellow lock or more.

    Also interval seemed to be only 1 second? It would be more interesting to set 1 minute for example. Or maybe 10 minutes and leave it running for 24h.

    3m 53E - 8W, 2.4m 68.5E - 47.5W
    Octagon SF8008, Edision OS MIO
    Western Finland (63N 22E)

  • I hope I'm wrong, but after "playing" for a few days with this device, which is meant to be a DX device, I'm asking: how does the Montage M88CS8001-S 594 MHz demod fit with the new RAMF version if:

    -symbol rate below 1000 Ks/s is not supported(out of range), or above 50000 Ks/s

    I think this Gold Master, equipped with this chip, is more of a commercial device (even the default settings (satellites, trips, providers, etc.) are aimed more at regular users and not those passionate about extreme reception.

    Trying to improve the software for the latter on an HW support for the former seems like a good idea, but it does not cover the expectations of a dx(?).

    Will a software version in testing accept working with a low symbol rate or locking weak signals?

    In other words, metaphorically speaking, it's like an IQ of 160 working on a support of at most 120.

    Am I wrong? :25:

    Regards :70:

    7 antennas,including 2 of 150cm,one T90 with 16 lnbs
    lnb:Inverto Black Ultra with scalar rings and many Ku lnbs,
    C-band LNB:ESX241,Galaxy Inovations,EuroStar,MTI 20K,NS741U C/Ku,Inverto Single C-band Flange,lnb Chaparral Servo Motor & Skew Control
    LNB Ka:R9216DF XWM,Hughes FSS 19.7-20.2 GHz,
    6 satellite receivers,2 Meters,
    7 PC cards(tbs6983,6903,6590,6522,6209,2603,6909X,6903X,6504),3 tuners usb-tbs5927,tbs5925 & SkyStar USB 2 HD,
    Satellite reception between 100.5E-50.0W,
    Loc:Romania :3:

  • Dear Satesco!

    Of course, this device not professional hardware, this is one explicitly low cost build (and price), but this fuctions surpasses that of commercial devices. The symbol rate not support the extreme value, e.g AMSAT receptions, but the satellite RF tuner sensitivty better than e.g. my TBS6903 PCIe, but a device can be a DX device not only because of its special sensitivity, but also because of its functions.


    Perhaps you remember the DR. For HD F15, Garnd triple, or HD 1000 types.

    Well, this device is most comparable to these, where new options and functions may have appeared even in ordinary commercial devices, such as the spectrum analyzer, or the display of dB values, which was a rarity at the time.

    Now, all this can be achieved with so many differences that it is now "dressed up in a new guise" and other great functions have become available, let's look at only S2, S2X, T2MI, SAT to IP, etc. foundations, which in themselves are no longer secondary compared to their "predecessors".

    Such more also have the the mobile apk and the open web API due to their many unexploited possibilities. They provide additional functionality even for an average user, as they go well beyond them.

    Currently, apart from this product, no commercial device on the market provides such "Swiss army knife" options, so based on its functions, I think it deserves the category of DX devices.

    (Based on my knowledge, more than one employee worked on the development of the R.A.M.F. who also participated in the development of the DR. HD that year. Perhaps it is not a coincidence that many of the same functions.)



    Andrew 370 cm PFA (26E/28.2E UK); 2x180 cm PFA (7E EUB,W; 7W NWA,MENA); Parsat 220 cm PFA; Hirschmann 130 cm (26E); SAB 100 cm (52E E,W); Wavefrontier T90 (5W, 4W, 0.8W, 9E, 13E, 19E, 31,5E) Visiosat 96 Gregorian

    Dr. HD Grand Triple; Illusionsat M3; iBravebox V7; TBS6903; GoldMaster SR-525; Amiko A5 Combo; GTMedia GT Combo

  • Hi, Ocean!

    Yes, this picture showing to one second degradations.

    The reason is that this reception is almost always available to me, and I suddenly didn't have a better "example".

    Maybe tomorrow I will do a longer test run with the 28E, so that I can present it as well.

    Have a nice evening!


    Andrew 370 cm PFA (26E/28.2E UK); 2x180 cm PFA (7E EUB,W; 7W NWA,MENA); Parsat 220 cm PFA; Hirschmann 130 cm (26E); SAB 100 cm (52E E,W); Wavefrontier T90 (5W, 4W, 0.8W, 9E, 13E, 19E, 31,5E) Visiosat 96 Gregorian

    Dr. HD Grand Triple; Illusionsat M3; iBravebox V7; TBS6903; GoldMaster SR-525; Amiko A5 Combo; GTMedia GT Combo

  • For comparison here is example 24.8W AlcomSat, 2.4m + gbtrio4kpro + modified E2 + signal collect script(1min interval) + Excel graph.

    Early in the morning 5:00 (CET + 1) signal here 10 db. But in 5 hours it has dropped to around 1-1,5 db.

    3m 53E - 8W, 2.4m 68.5E - 47.5W
    Octagon SF8008, Edision OS MIO
    Western Finland (63N 22E)

  • Dear Ocean!

    Thank you this picture, yes, I now understand, what is say you to me. :-)

    Your maked picture not LM value, the Signal value depict.

    The SNR Reports application with diagram show two value, Signal (blue), and LM (orange).

    Of course, the LM value never "lower" than -0,3 dB. If it does not locked the signal, signal noise ratio is not can it be calculated, therefore neither is the LM line, so this line zero.

    The Signal, not LM, of course can be lower than -0,3 dB Unlocked value also, and lcan also be long times. Momently i dont have this status depict picture, but i have the today morning maked measuring screenshot, 28E 11426 V (10h_11426v.png)

    This picture good depict the not locked, and locked signal level, and LM, int the 10 hours mesuring timeline.

    The next zoomed diagramm in picture, show the many negatíve LM value. These negative values, also persist for a longer period of time than one second. (min_LM.png, Red marker)

    To clarify my previous post,, "and in the case of a minus sign, what is the value that would be necessary a successful for image creation. (e.g. UV green markering, where a -0.3 dB signal loss is visible)"

    I hope that this is a better write to describe how the software works.

    Have nice evning!



    Andrew 370 cm PFA (26E/28.2E UK); 2x180 cm PFA (7E EUB,W; 7W NWA,MENA); Parsat 220 cm PFA; Hirschmann 130 cm (26E); SAB 100 cm (52E E,W); Wavefrontier T90 (5W, 4W, 0.8W, 9E, 13E, 19E, 31,5E) Visiosat 96 Gregorian

    Dr. HD Grand Triple; Illusionsat M3; iBravebox V7; TBS6903; GoldMaster SR-525; Amiko A5 Combo; GTMedia GT Combo

  • :-) Breaking news! :-)

    Dear Satellite Dx amateurs!

    Available the first public R.A.M.F SNR Reporting software version, to the GoldMaster SR-525 HD!

    Project link:

    GitHub - Csnyi/RamfReportSnr: SNR report with sr-525hd
    SNR report with sr-525hd. Contribute to Csnyi/RamfReportSnr development by creating an account on GitHub.

    (The software can be downloaded from the project page. Click on the green " < > Code" button and select "Download ZIP" from the drop-down list.)

    How use software in the browser?

    1. If downloaded this software, unpack to an any folder, and load "unpacked extesion" in to browser, or

    2. If downloaded this software, unpack to an any folder, and clilck the "index.html" button. The browser load to the WebAPI software.

    We wish you successful tests and fruitful work using the software!

    We welcome all comments, and feedback on the project page.

    Best regards:

    Csnyi, and SaTom

    Andrew 370 cm PFA (26E/28.2E UK); 2x180 cm PFA (7E EUB,W; 7W NWA,MENA); Parsat 220 cm PFA; Hirschmann 130 cm (26E); SAB 100 cm (52E E,W); Wavefrontier T90 (5W, 4W, 0.8W, 9E, 13E, 19E, 31,5E) Visiosat 96 Gregorian

    Dr. HD Grand Triple; Illusionsat M3; iBravebox V7; TBS6903; GoldMaster SR-525; Amiko A5 Combo; GTMedia GT Combo

  • A first test with SaTom's recently released browser version.

    I hope I didn't make a mistake and got a correct SNR graph/spectrum on a transponder without generating its dB value.

    Maybe I could use a hermeneut :72: to tell me the meaning of (am I wrong?) plot/spikes.

    On the other hand, note that although I click on "Stop Report," the response is still "under process," i.e., "On," and not Off.": Data is coming in all the time.

    I would like to know how to open the app on Firefox, not Edge.

    Here's what the R.A.M.F. report looks like:

    7 antennas,including 2 of 150cm,one T90 with 16 lnbs
    lnb:Inverto Black Ultra with scalar rings and many Ku lnbs,
    C-band LNB:ESX241,Galaxy Inovations,EuroStar,MTI 20K,NS741U C/Ku,Inverto Single C-band Flange,lnb Chaparral Servo Motor & Skew Control
    LNB Ka:R9216DF XWM,Hughes FSS 19.7-20.2 GHz,
    6 satellite receivers,2 Meters,
    7 PC cards(tbs6983,6903,6590,6522,6209,2603,6909X,6903X,6504),3 tuners usb-tbs5927,tbs5925 & SkyStar USB 2 HD,
    Satellite reception between 100.5E-50.0W,
    Loc:Romania :3:

  • Dear, Satesco!

    Thank you for testing this new software.

    In order for us to be able to help you, please provide the reception parameters, such as 7W 11559 V 27500 etc.

    If you are not using the software as an extension or "extensions" and your system's default browser is Edge, you can take the following steps:

    1. If you downloaded this software, unpack to an any folder, and right mouse click the "index.html" button, select the "Open with", and click the Firefox icon, or name

    2. If you downloaded this software, unpack to an any folder, and drag-and drop "index.html" to Firefox active window.

    Best regards,


    Andrew 370 cm PFA (26E/28.2E UK); 2x180 cm PFA (7E EUB,W; 7W NWA,MENA); Parsat 220 cm PFA; Hirschmann 130 cm (26E); SAB 100 cm (52E E,W); Wavefrontier T90 (5W, 4W, 0.8W, 9E, 13E, 19E, 31,5E) Visiosat 96 Gregorian

    Dr. HD Grand Triple; Illusionsat M3; iBravebox V7; TBS6903; GoldMaster SR-525; Amiko A5 Combo; GTMedia GT Combo

  • ...

    In order for us to be able to help you, please provide the reception parameters, such as 7W 11559 V 27500 etc.


    Here's what the SNR looks like on the 11559 V at 7.3W.

    What to understand from this snr?

    7 antennas,including 2 of 150cm,one T90 with 16 lnbs
    lnb:Inverto Black Ultra with scalar rings and many Ku lnbs,
    C-band LNB:ESX241,Galaxy Inovations,EuroStar,MTI 20K,NS741U C/Ku,Inverto Single C-band Flange,lnb Chaparral Servo Motor & Skew Control
    LNB Ka:R9216DF XWM,Hughes FSS 19.7-20.2 GHz,
    6 satellite receivers,2 Meters,
    7 PC cards(tbs6983,6903,6590,6522,6209,2603,6909X,6903X,6504),3 tuners usb-tbs5927,tbs5925 & SkyStar USB 2 HD,
    Satellite reception between 100.5E-50.0W,
    Loc:Romania :3:

  • Dear Satesco, dear DX amateurs!

    We will soon make available a presentation based on a 24-hour measurement time interval that explains the operation of the software in detail. (Later on the project page, we will also publish it under the name "User Guide")

    1. We will introduce the software installation methods

    2. We describe in detail the software settings to be made before starting the measurement, the ways to fill in the input and drop-down fields

    3. We analyze and evaluate the measurement results

    4. We present how the information obtained from the evaluations and results can be useful for users

    5. At the end, we present some examples of how you can improve the efficiency of your own systems by knowing all this information

    We hope that the detailed description will be useful for all dear users, please be patient until it is published!

    Thank you,


    Andrew 370 cm PFA (26E/28.2E UK); 2x180 cm PFA (7E EUB,W; 7W NWA,MENA); Parsat 220 cm PFA; Hirschmann 130 cm (26E); SAB 100 cm (52E E,W); Wavefrontier T90 (5W, 4W, 0.8W, 9E, 13E, 19E, 31,5E) Visiosat 96 Gregorian

    Dr. HD Grand Triple; Illusionsat M3; iBravebox V7; TBS6903; GoldMaster SR-525; Amiko A5 Combo; GTMedia GT Combo

  • Dear, Alaa2003!

    Thank you, this is a good observation.

    I talk the developer, and react to your question.

    Bests, regards.


    Andrew 370 cm PFA (26E/28.2E UK); 2x180 cm PFA (7E EUB,W; 7W NWA,MENA); Parsat 220 cm PFA; Hirschmann 130 cm (26E); SAB 100 cm (52E E,W); Wavefrontier T90 (5W, 4W, 0.8W, 9E, 13E, 19E, 31,5E) Visiosat 96 Gregorian

    Dr. HD Grand Triple; Illusionsat M3; iBravebox V7; TBS6903; GoldMaster SR-525; Amiko A5 Combo; GTMedia GT Combo

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