- Official Post
You can share your testcards here, with or without technical parameters.
You can share your testcards here, with or without technical parameters.
Few to start the topic:
3°W NS3 UHD Feed few weeks ago
7°E from Davos last week
86,5° Ost
25,5E 11180 V
10962 H 30,8° East Eutelsat 31A (ITV News)
30.5°E Arabsat-5A
12518 V 5000 5/6 DVB-S2/HD 8PSK
86,5° E KazSat 2
60.0°E Intelsat 33
11646 H 2856 5/6 DVB-S2 8PSK
62.0°E Intelsat 902
10960 V 1590 5/6 DVB/S2 8PSK
Nice one:
11160 H @7E Hypermux
French election ....
@7E Hypermux
16°E (I forget the parameters)
it was early in lower band ,3 feeds FTA
7°E 11104 V 9875 3/4
23.5E-11479 V_Stratos-TV
1.0W-11528 V,3200-for ABC Manchester
60.0°E Intelsat 33
12556 V 5000 3/4 DVB/S
30.5° E Arabsat 5A
12542 V 1192 DVB-S2, MIS 170 (GS)
PS: On again (reported earlier in GS toppic).
Half-Testcard (not a fake) on:
30.5° E Arabsat 5A
12553 V 1192 DVB-S2, MIS 170 (GS)
(PS: Changing SR)
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