49.2W USA 159 [DSP F21] (incl.)

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    7923.8MHz, LHCP, FHSS

    This is only just visible here when it is above the trees. The signal I can see is a fast, frequency hopping. one covering about 6.5MHz. The bursts are about 5ms and quite narrow band although it is hard to see the actual bandwidth. The blue trace is the result of about 10 minutes of sweeps to catch the full extent of the hopping. The magenta trace is a single sweep. I could not see anything else on this satellite.


    1.2m Prodelin 3122 az-el (Not in use) with one of:
    S: Helical feed, 0.8dB NF LNA, X: 1.2dB NF LNA, conical feed, Ku 12-18GHz: corrugated conical feed, 1.5dB NF LNA, Ku (Standard): SMW Q-PLL type C, Prodelin feed. Ku (Extended): 11.3GHz LO SMW & Prodelin Feed Ka: Gilat ex-ODU PLLs Gilat feeds, Ka 18-26.5GHz: Patriot feed, home made 4dB NF LNA, Ka DSN: Corrugated conical feed, 3dB NF Down-Converter

    1.8m PF, Polar mount with SMW Q-PLL type C or R, Precision/Elite feed
    40km East of London, UK

  • Here's a waterfall of the hopping. Each dot on the waterfall is a 5ms burst.

    1.2m Prodelin 3122 az-el (Not in use) with one of:
    S: Helical feed, 0.8dB NF LNA, X: 1.2dB NF LNA, conical feed, Ku 12-18GHz: corrugated conical feed, 1.5dB NF LNA, Ku (Standard): SMW Q-PLL type C, Prodelin feed. Ku (Extended): 11.3GHz LO SMW & Prodelin Feed Ka: Gilat ex-ODU PLLs Gilat feeds, Ka 18-26.5GHz: Patriot feed, home made 4dB NF LNA, Ka DSN: Corrugated conical feed, 3dB NF Down-Converter

    1.8m PF, Polar mount with SMW Q-PLL type C or R, Precision/Elite feed
    40km East of London, UK

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