Weather toppic...

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    you all know, we had a lot of stormy wind in the past days/weeks, so I just start here a new toppic for "Small Talk".

    Yesterday evening between 20.30 to 23.30 we had a lot of stormy wind ~100km/h at my place (again!). :100:

    Forgot to make a screenshot from UWZ yesterday..., but some posts in my region (and in german) here, click!

    From (news in german), click!

    All my antenna stystems are running today, ufff! :51:

    /edit: All the big trees from my "western-neighbour" are still there... :171:

    qwer setup

    Location: Rastatt, Germany

    C-band: 53.0°West-68.5°East ORBITRON O-16 (4,9m)

    X-band: 17.8°W-60.2°E KATHREIN CAS 120 (1,2m) - standby

    Ku-band: 61.0°West-80.0°East KATHREIN CAS 23 (2,2m)

    Ka-band A/B/C/D: 30.0°W-75.0°E KATHREIN CAS 018 (1,8m)

    Ka-band band A 2x KATHREIN CAS 120 fix on 19.2°E and 42.0°E

    Ku-band LNB: Invacom SNF-031, Inverto Single Flange

    C-band LNBs: Kaonsat, C-Panorama 13K, Norsat 8000RI C-DRO, BrasilSat LNBF AP30 PLL

    Ka-Band LNBs: Inverto Twin WHITE Ka Circular Dual Polarity LNB (flange), Inverto IDLK-SINL20-KAKU-OPP,MCL-KP04, Norsat 9000HX-O3B-BN, Orbital LNB1825F-1000D-WF55

    X-band LNB: Norsat X1000HAF

    Feeds: Invacom ADF_10 + 2 rings, XMW Ka-band Feed FD9000K

    Waveguide Polariser: AV-COMM

    Tuner: TBS 6925, TBS 6903, TBS 6903X, TBS 6522

    >qwer setup

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Storm is coming... 5km from my house!

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Changings for my hometown...

    It's raining already.


    qwer setup

    Location: Rastatt, Germany

    C-band: 53.0°West-68.5°East ORBITRON O-16 (4,9m)

    X-band: 17.8°W-60.2°E KATHREIN CAS 120 (1,2m) - standby

    Ku-band: 61.0°West-80.0°East KATHREIN CAS 23 (2,2m)

    Ka-band A/B/C/D: 30.0°W-75.0°E KATHREIN CAS 018 (1,8m)

    Ka-band band A 2x KATHREIN CAS 120 fix on 19.2°E and 42.0°E

    Ku-band LNB: Invacom SNF-031, Inverto Single Flange

    C-band LNBs: Kaonsat, C-Panorama 13K, Norsat 8000RI C-DRO, BrasilSat LNBF AP30 PLL

    Ka-Band LNBs: Inverto Twin WHITE Ka Circular Dual Polarity LNB (flange), Inverto IDLK-SINL20-KAKU-OPP,MCL-KP04, Norsat 9000HX-O3B-BN, Orbital LNB1825F-1000D-WF55

    X-band LNB: Norsat X1000HAF

    Feeds: Invacom ADF_10 + 2 rings, XMW Ka-band Feed FD9000K

    Waveguide Polariser: AV-COMM

    Tuner: TBS 6925, TBS 6903, TBS 6903X, TBS 6522

    >qwer setup

  • Things here in Cyprus is completely different. July was the warmest one of the last 40 years. We had 26 days of this month that the temp. was over 40 degr. C.
    August is a little bit better than July but the coming weekend will be as hot as July's days .......:37:

    Owner of Cy Satellite Center
    Dreambox 8000HDssss,7080HDss,7020HD,Vu Solo 4K,Tandberg Prof.Receiver
    TBS 6903x v2,5590,5520,6983,6925,5927,5925,Rover HD Tab 9 Plus
    AMS 3.4m,AMS 3m H-H(Under Cons.)Titosat 2.1m motorised
    Location : Limassol - Cyprus :3:

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Heute ist Sternschnuppennacht... :506:

    Good luck! :57::20:

    qwer setup

    Location: Rastatt, Germany

    C-band: 53.0°West-68.5°East ORBITRON O-16 (4,9m)

    X-band: 17.8°W-60.2°E KATHREIN CAS 120 (1,2m) - standby

    Ku-band: 61.0°West-80.0°East KATHREIN CAS 23 (2,2m)

    Ka-band A/B/C/D: 30.0°W-75.0°E KATHREIN CAS 018 (1,8m)

    Ka-band band A 2x KATHREIN CAS 120 fix on 19.2°E and 42.0°E

    Ku-band LNB: Invacom SNF-031, Inverto Single Flange

    C-band LNBs: Kaonsat, C-Panorama 13K, Norsat 8000RI C-DRO, BrasilSat LNBF AP30 PLL

    Ka-Band LNBs: Inverto Twin WHITE Ka Circular Dual Polarity LNB (flange), Inverto IDLK-SINL20-KAKU-OPP,MCL-KP04, Norsat 9000HX-O3B-BN, Orbital LNB1825F-1000D-WF55

    X-band LNB: Norsat X1000HAF

    Feeds: Invacom ADF_10 + 2 rings, XMW Ka-band Feed FD9000K

    Waveguide Polariser: AV-COMM

    Tuner: TBS 6925, TBS 6903, TBS 6903X, TBS 6522

    >qwer setup

  • A big storm is forecast for my region tonight. Gusts of up to 120 km/h and even tornadoes are possible. Localised hail of up to 5 cm is also possible.
    I pray that we will be spared... :133:

    Heute Abend wird in meiner Region ein großes Unwetter vorhergesagt. Sturmböen bis 120 Km/h und sogar Tornados sind möglich. Ebenso können Hagel bis 5cm örtlich möglich sein.
    Ich bete, dass wir verschont bleiben...

    qwer setup

    Location: Rastatt, Germany

    C-band: 53.0°West-68.5°East ORBITRON O-16 (4,9m)

    X-band: 17.8°W-60.2°E KATHREIN CAS 120 (1,2m) - standby

    Ku-band: 61.0°West-80.0°East KATHREIN CAS 23 (2,2m)

    Ka-band A/B/C/D: 30.0°W-75.0°E KATHREIN CAS 018 (1,8m)

    Ka-band band A 2x KATHREIN CAS 120 fix on 19.2°E and 42.0°E

    Ku-band LNB: Invacom SNF-031, Inverto Single Flange

    C-band LNBs: Kaonsat, C-Panorama 13K, Norsat 8000RI C-DRO, BrasilSat LNBF AP30 PLL

    Ka-Band LNBs: Inverto Twin WHITE Ka Circular Dual Polarity LNB (flange), Inverto IDLK-SINL20-KAKU-OPP,MCL-KP04, Norsat 9000HX-O3B-BN, Orbital LNB1825F-1000D-WF55

    X-band LNB: Norsat X1000HAF

    Feeds: Invacom ADF_10 + 2 rings, XMW Ka-band Feed FD9000K

    Waveguide Polariser: AV-COMM

    Tuner: TBS 6925, TBS 6903, TBS 6903X, TBS 6522

    >qwer setup

  • A big storm is forecast for my region tonight. Gusts of up to 120 km/h and even tornadoes are possible. Localised hail of up to 5 cm is also possible.
    I pray that we will be spared... :133:

    ...especially the antennas, the 4.9m one :51::133:

    7 antennas,including 2 of 150cm,one T90 with 16 lnbs
    lnb:Inverto Black Ultra with scalar rings and many Ku lnbs,
    C-band LNB:ESX241,Galaxy Inovations,EuroStar,MTI 20K,NS741U C/Ku,Inverto Single C-band Flange,lnb Chaparral Servo Motor & Skew Control
    LNB Ka:R9216DF XWM,Hughes FSS 19.7-20.2 GHz,
    6 satellite receivers,2 Meters,
    7 PC cards(tbs6983,6903,6590,6522,6209,2603,6909X,6903X,6504),3 tuners usb-tbs5927,tbs5925 & SkyStar USB 2 HD,
    Satellite reception between 100.5E-50.0W,
    Loc:Romania :3:

  • qwer at this case i try to align antenna for minimize wind pressure. Then at my region was storm, many trees are been broken with roots. My antennas was alive, but even they was turned on a tightened pipe.

  • Hello,
    I was lucky. There was only a brief thunderstorm tonight, but no squalls or hail. It's 10°C cooler this morning than yesterday. :31:


    ich hatte Glück gehabt. Es gab lediglich ein kurzes Gewitter heute Nacht, aber keine Sturmböen oder Hagel. Abkühlung heute Morgen um 10°C weniger als gestern.

    qwer setup

    Location: Rastatt, Germany

    C-band: 53.0°West-68.5°East ORBITRON O-16 (4,9m)

    X-band: 17.8°W-60.2°E KATHREIN CAS 120 (1,2m) - standby

    Ku-band: 61.0°West-80.0°East KATHREIN CAS 23 (2,2m)

    Ka-band A/B/C/D: 30.0°W-75.0°E KATHREIN CAS 018 (1,8m)

    Ka-band band A 2x KATHREIN CAS 120 fix on 19.2°E and 42.0°E

    Ku-band LNB: Invacom SNF-031, Inverto Single Flange

    C-band LNBs: Kaonsat, C-Panorama 13K, Norsat 8000RI C-DRO, BrasilSat LNBF AP30 PLL

    Ka-Band LNBs: Inverto Twin WHITE Ka Circular Dual Polarity LNB (flange), Inverto IDLK-SINL20-KAKU-OPP,MCL-KP04, Norsat 9000HX-O3B-BN, Orbital LNB1825F-1000D-WF55

    X-band LNB: Norsat X1000HAF

    Feeds: Invacom ADF_10 + 2 rings, XMW Ka-band Feed FD9000K

    Waveguide Polariser: AV-COMM

    Tuner: TBS 6925, TBS 6903, TBS 6903X, TBS 6522

    >qwer setup

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