30.9°E Türksat 5A

  • Hier ein horizontaler Scan auf 30.9E im High Ku-Band, vertikal folgt noch.

    Kein Transponder wurd automatisch gelockt, alles manuell gesucht.

    13170, 13331, 13616, 13684, 13822 und 13918 weisen höhere Symbolraten auf, die anderen sind unter 1000



    Wer nicht die Antennengröße und den ungefähren Standort angibt, postet sinnlos, sofern es um eine Signalerfassung geht.

    If you don't specify the antenna size and the approximate location, posting is useless if it's about signal acquisition.

    Dish & Location

    N 48.602 E 15.553

    240 Irte (Ku/C)

    180 Laminas stationär (KaEABCD/Ku/C/X)

    180 Laminas mobil (all)

    120 Laminas (Ku)

    100 (Ku, 1.9°E/7°E), 100 (Ku, 27.5°W), 85 (Ku, 13°E/16°E/19.2°E)

  • Beim vertikalen Scan liegen 13048, 13084, 13426, 13825, 13832 und 13848 mit den Symbolraten über 1000.

    Sofern dieser Frequenzbereich überhaupt für öffentliche Zwecke gedacht ist, dürfte das Empfangsgebiet ausschließlich die Türkei sein.

    For vertical scan, 13048, 13084, 13426, 13825, 13832, and 13848 with symbol rates over 1000.

    If this frequency range is intended for public purposes at all, the reception area should only be Turkey.





    Wer nicht die Antennengröße und den ungefähren Standort angibt, postet sinnlos, sofern es um eine Signalerfassung geht.

    If you don't specify the antenna size and the approximate location, posting is useless if it's about signal acquisition.

    Dish & Location

    N 48.602 E 15.553

    240 Irte (Ku/C)

    180 Laminas stationär (KaEABCD/Ku/C/X)

    180 Laminas mobil (all)

    120 Laminas (Ku)

    100 (Ku, 1.9°E/7°E), 100 (Ku, 27.5°W), 85 (Ku, 13°E/16°E/19.2°E)

  • I think that all I am seeing is transponder noise but they could be real signals, I suppose. During testing, the DVB was receivable at 9-13dB SNR. The LNB is an SMW 12.25-12.75GHz PLL which had an 11.3GHz LO in 2021 but I have modified it to an 11.75GHz LO. The performance is only slightly improved with ~2dB NF, still not great. The notch in the 2021 plot is due to the LO spurious in band. I have about 0.15dB ground noise. The dish is a Prodelin 3122 1.2m offset.

    1.2m Prodelin 3122 az-el (Not in use) with one of:
    S: Helical feed, 0.8dB NF LNA, X: 1.2dB NF LNA, conical feed, Ku 12-18GHz: corrugated conical feed, 1.5dB NF LNA, Ku (Standard): SMW Q-PLL type C, Prodelin feed. Ku (Extended): 11.3GHz LO SMW & Prodelin Feed Ka: Gilat ex-ODU PLLs Gilat feeds, Ka 18-26.5GHz: Patriot feed, home made 4dB NF LNA, Ka DSN: Corrugated conical feed, 3dB NF Down-Converter

    1.8m PF, Polar mount with Bullseye C120 LNB, Precision/Elite feed
    40km East of London, UK

  • Today's scan was the same as the one above with just transponder noise and the beacon. Here is a close in plot of the beacon on 13401V with an SNR of ~35dB in 500Hz:

    1.2m Prodelin 3122 az-el (Not in use) with one of:
    S: Helical feed, 0.8dB NF LNA, X: 1.2dB NF LNA, conical feed, Ku 12-18GHz: corrugated conical feed, 1.5dB NF LNA, Ku (Standard): SMW Q-PLL type C, Prodelin feed. Ku (Extended): 11.3GHz LO SMW & Prodelin Feed Ka: Gilat ex-ODU PLLs Gilat feeds, Ka 18-26.5GHz: Patriot feed, home made 4dB NF LNA, Ka DSN: Corrugated conical feed, 3dB NF Down-Converter

    1.8m PF, Polar mount with Bullseye C120 LNB, Precision/Elite feed
    40km East of London, UK

  • I could only check horizontal polarisation but there were 3 signals today including the beacon. I used an SMW Q-PLL type R set to 11.3GHz LO. It's not great with a NF of 3-4dB at 13.6G. 1.8m dish.

    Beacon on 13401H

    Carrier on 13584H

    Frequency hopper. 13416H = 421.4MHz, spectrum inverted. Approx 1 hop/second

    1.2m Prodelin 3122 az-el (Not in use) with one of:
    S: Helical feed, 0.8dB NF LNA, X: 1.2dB NF LNA, conical feed, Ku 12-18GHz: corrugated conical feed, 1.5dB NF LNA, Ku (Standard): SMW Q-PLL type C, Prodelin feed. Ku (Extended): 11.3GHz LO SMW & Prodelin Feed Ka: Gilat ex-ODU PLLs Gilat feeds, Ka 18-26.5GHz: Patriot feed, home made 4dB NF LNA, Ka DSN: Corrugated conical feed, 3dB NF Down-Converter

    1.8m PF, Polar mount with Bullseye C120 LNB, Precision/Elite feed
    40km East of London, UK

  • I could only check horizontal polarisation but there were 3 signals today including the beacon. I used an SMW Q-PLL type R set to 11.3GHz LO. It's not great with a NF of 3-4dB at 13.6G. 1.8m dish.

    Iv'e got the three up here again as well , usual beacon @ .401 , for me today the frequency hopping is between 13.415 V to 13.417 V. The strong marker at 13584.5 seems to be circular, possibly LHC. [ only using a linear feed onto a Chinese Universal Ext Ku lnbf on a 1.2m CM dish ]

  • Nur 13583 H (linear) konnte ich verifizieren.
    I could only 13583 H (linear) verified.

    Laminas 1800, XMW 13.03-14.03 GHz

    Wer nicht die Antennengröße und den ungefähren Standort angibt, postet sinnlos, sofern es um eine Signalerfassung geht.

    If you don't specify the antenna size and the approximate location, posting is useless if it's about signal acquisition.

    Dish & Location

    N 48.602 E 15.553

    240 Irte (Ku/C)

    180 Laminas stationär (KaEABCD/Ku/C/X)

    180 Laminas mobil (all)

    120 Laminas (Ku)

    100 (Ku, 1.9°E/7°E), 100 (Ku, 27.5°W), 85 (Ku, 13°E/16°E/19.2°E)

  • The confusion over the polarity of 13584 is caused by there being 2 carriers spaced by 900Hz. The lower one is vertical and the upper is horizontal. If you use a wide bandwidth, you'll see a small dip as the skew is swept through 45 deg offset. In an audio BW the 900Hz tone should be audible.

    For the plots below I used a modified SMW 12.25-12.75GHz LNB with an LO of 11.75GHz (the system is locked to a Rb source). The NF is about 2dB and the dish a 1.8m PF. The actual frequencies are on the plots.

    1.2m Prodelin 3122 az-el (Not in use) with one of:
    S: Helical feed, 0.8dB NF LNA, X: 1.2dB NF LNA, conical feed, Ku 12-18GHz: corrugated conical feed, 1.5dB NF LNA, Ku (Standard): SMW Q-PLL type C, Prodelin feed. Ku (Extended): 11.3GHz LO SMW & Prodelin Feed Ka: Gilat ex-ODU PLLs Gilat feeds, Ka 18-26.5GHz: Patriot feed, home made 4dB NF LNA, Ka DSN: Corrugated conical feed, 3dB NF Down-Converter

    1.8m PF, Polar mount with Bullseye C120 LNB, Precision/Elite feed
    40km East of London, UK

  • Im Bereich von 13399 und 13401 fand ich möglicherweise ein S2X Signal IQM verlangt nach setzen des Hakens "S2X"
    Den Bereich um 13584 ließ ich mit DF=5 laufen. Die Bereichsgrenze, sowie die Peaks (one H and two V) habe ich mit dem Feedreport angesehen.
    Offiziell gibt es am 5A kein "Ku new" Band.
    nachdem nicht nur ich diese Signale finde, schließe ich mal eine Störung innerhalb meiner hardware aus.

    In the area of 13399 and 13401 I found possibly an S2X signal IQM asks to set the check mark "S2X"
    I ran the area around 13584 with DF=5. I viewed the range limit and the peaks (one H and two V) with the feed report.
    Officially there is no "Ku new" band on the 5A.
    Since I'm not the only one finding these signals, I'm ruling out a fault in my hardware.

    Wer nicht die Antennengröße und den ungefähren Standort angibt, postet sinnlos, sofern es um eine Signalerfassung geht.

    If you don't specify the antenna size and the approximate location, posting is useless if it's about signal acquisition.

    Dish & Location

    N 48.602 E 15.553

    240 Irte (Ku/C)

    180 Laminas stationär (KaEABCD/Ku/C/X)

    180 Laminas mobil (all)

    120 Laminas (Ku)

    100 (Ku, 1.9°E/7°E), 100 (Ku, 27.5°W), 85 (Ku, 13°E/16°E/19.2°E)

  • Congratulations! :73:

    It looks like you have registered a transponder with a center frequency of 13583765 kHz in a frequency band of 3.75 MHz, which corresponds to a symbol rate of 3131 kS/sec

    My attempt to receive this transponder on the 3rd harmonic of the heterodyne with a 1.05 m antenna and an Inverto Black Ultra LNB was not so successful... :81:

    Here is what I managed to "catch" in manual mode: :126:

  • 1.8PF 2dB NF LNB

    I don't remember seeing the approx 800kHz wide signals at 13625.5, 13627.5 and 13605.5H which are all much too low to get a lock. The peak at 13526H is from 42E and the signals at the low end of the band were described here. As before, the transponder noise can be seen.


    strannik I wonder if you are getting a false positive from the pair of closely spaced carriers on 13584 H & V. If the polarisation is not set exactly, both are present at the same time.

    1.2m Prodelin 3122 az-el (Not in use) with one of:
    S: Helical feed, 0.8dB NF LNA, X: 1.2dB NF LNA, conical feed, Ku 12-18GHz: corrugated conical feed, 1.5dB NF LNA, Ku (Standard): SMW Q-PLL type C, Prodelin feed. Ku (Extended): 11.3GHz LO SMW & Prodelin Feed Ka: Gilat ex-ODU PLLs Gilat feeds, Ka 18-26.5GHz: Patriot feed, home made 4dB NF LNA, Ka DSN: Corrugated conical feed, 3dB NF Down-Converter

    1.8m PF, Polar mount with Bullseye C120 LNB, Precision/Elite feed
    40km East of London, UK

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