DAB+ on satellites

  • Eutelsat 5 West B @ 5° W

    Stream 11 - RAI Mux DAB+

    DAB+ reception on satellites I have mainly done with the tbs6903x card, installed on Ubuntu 22.04. Other dvb cards can also be used( tbs6983/6903) to decode these DAB+ streams but to do so, the following applications must be installed: dvbstream, dvblast, snoopdvb, tune-s2, dablin_gtk and eti-tools.

    All these stream applications can be downloaded and installed from the GitHub-Piratfm website.

    But it is also possible to decode DAB+ streams on other Linux distributions.

    Tune-s2 and/or dvbstream/snoopdvb are used simultaneously on two consoles/terminals, the first one to provide the signal and the other to decode it.

    Also, if you have installed the Deeptho driver and the neumoDVB application, then it is no longer necessary to work with Tune-s2.

    The DAB+ Rai stream 11 from 5.0W can be activated/decoded directly with both the 6903x card and the 6983 with the DVBLast application (without the need for another terminal) with the following command:

    dvblast -s 35291000 -v 13 -f 11013000 -m psk_8 -3 -a 4 --multistream-id-is-id 11 -u --multistream-id-pls-mode ROOT --multistream-id-pls-code 16416 | dd if=/dev/stdin skip=188 | ts2na -p 1000 -s 0 | na2ni | dablin_gtk -L

    I have added a video with DAB+ Rai; who knows; it may help.

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    7 antennas,including 2 of 150cm,one T90 with 16 lnbs
    lnb:Inverto Black Ultra with scalar rings and many Ku lnbs,
    C-band LNB:ESX241,Galaxy Inovations,EuroStar,MTI 20K,NS741U C/Ku,Inverto Single C-band Flange,lnb Chaparral Servo Motor & Skew Control
    LNB Ka:R9216DF XWM,Hughes FSS 19.7-20.2 GHz,
    6 satellite receivers,2 Meters,
    7 PC cards(tbs6983,6903,6590,6522,6209,2603,6909X,6903X,6504),3 tuners usb-tbs5927,tbs5925 & SkyStar USB 2 HD,
    Satellite reception between 100.5E-50.0W,
    Loc:Romania :3:

  • Wer lieber mit deutschsprachigen Kanälen experimentieren will:

    Eutelsat 7°E

    12568 V 17017 2/3 DVB-S2/8PSK

    Wer nicht die Antennengröße und den ungefähren Standort angibt, postet sinnlos, sofern es um eine Signalerfassung geht.

    If you don't specify the antenna size and the approximate location, posting is useless if it's about signal acquisition.

    Dish & Location

    N 48.602 E 15.553

    240 Irte (Ku/C)

    180 Laminas stationär (KaEABCD/Ku/C/X)

    180 Laminas mobil (all)

    120 Laminas (Ku)

    100 (Ku, 1.9°E/7°E), 100 (Ku, 27.5°W), 85 (Ku, 13°E/16°E/19.2°E)

  • I'll get to DAB+ on 7.0E in the next few days after presenting Metropolitain at 5.0WE and NRK at 1.0W :3:

    7 antennas,including 2 of 150cm,one T90 with 16 lnbs
    lnb:Inverto Black Ultra with scalar rings and many Ku lnbs,
    C-band LNB:ESX241,Galaxy Inovations,EuroStar,MTI 20K,NS741U C/Ku,Inverto Single C-band Flange,lnb Chaparral Servo Motor & Skew Control
    LNB Ka:R9216DF XWM,Hughes FSS 19.7-20.2 GHz,
    6 satellite receivers,2 Meters,
    7 PC cards(tbs6983,6903,6590,6522,6209,2603,6909X,6903X,6504),3 tuners usb-tbs5927,tbs5925 & SkyStar USB 2 HD,
    Satellite reception between 100.5E-50.0W,
    Loc:Romania :3:

  • Eutelsat 5 West B @ 5° W

    DAB+ Metropolitain 1

    For DAB+ Metropolitain at 5.0W,11461 H,5780, you need one console/terminal to provide the signal and another to activate the stream.

    I will post videos of the two apps( a kind of Howto) neumoDVB and Tune-S2, used to provide the signal and the second to decode the stream, with the following command on the tbs6983 card:

    dvbstream -c 1 -o 301 | fedi2eti 301 5001 | ni2out --list
    dvbstream -o 301 | fedi2eti 301 5001 | dablin_gtk

    (-c 1,2, etc is the card used)

    Metropolitain 1

    0 : SKYROCK KLASSIKS (0xf2fc) Pri subch= 9 start=528 CUs= 66 PL=eep-3a bitrate=88 DAB+

    1 : RTL2 (0xf215) Pri subch= 2 start= 66 CUs= 66 PL=eep-3a bitrate=88 DAB+

    2 : RADIO CLASSIQUE (0xf221) Pri subch=11 start=330 CUs= 66 PL=eep-3a bitrate=88 DAB+

    3 : SKYROCK (0xf214) Pri subch= 8 start=462 CUs= 66 PL=eep-3a bitrate=88 DAB+

    4 : AirZen Radio (0xf2fe) Pri subch=10 start=264 CUs= 66 PL=eep-3a bitrate=88 DAB+

    5 : NOSTALGIE (0xf2fa) Pri subch= 7 start=792 CUs= 66 PL=eep-3a bitrate=88 DAB+

    6 : LATINA dab+ (0xf21c) Pri subch=12 start=396 CUs= 66 PL=eep-3a bitrate=88 DAB+

    7 : RIRE ET CHANSONS (0xf226) Pri subch= 6 start=726 CUs= 66 PL=eep-3a bitrate=88 DAB+

    8 : M RADIO (0xf225) Pri subch=13 start=198 CUs= 66 PL=eep-3a bitrate=88 DAB+

    9 : CHERIE FM (0xf2f9) Pri subch= 5 start=660 CUs= 66 PL=eep-3a bitrate=88 DAB+

    10 : FUN RADIO (0xf217) Pri subch= 3 start=132 CUs= 66 PL=eep-3a bitrate=88 DAB+

    11 : RTL (0xf211) Pri subch= 1 start= 0 CUs= 66 PL=eep-3a bitrate=88 DAB+

    12 : NRJ (0xf2f8) Pri subch= 4 start=594 CUs= 66 PL=eep-3a bitrate=88 DAB+

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    Added: I should add that I did tests with the following cards: 6903x,6902s,6522,USB5927 on DAB Metropolitan , and they all worked very well.

  • Intelsat 10-02 Thor 6 @ 1° W

    10720 C,5400,3/4,8PSK_GenericStream._DAB+ NRK(1-Reg1 OsloVik, 2- Reg2 VeTeVik, 3-Reg3 SerRog, 4-Reg4 Vest, 5-Reg5 Innland, 6-Reg6 TreMeRo , 7-Reg7 NoTrFi, 8-Riks)

    Decoding this stream was a problem for those who tried to do it because, being transmitted in GSE format, they needed a dvb card capable of processing the data of a generic stream, and on the other hand, an application, such as Eti-tools, that knew how to extract the generic stream in a format that the Dablin player could read.

    Among the existing dvb cards on the market, only those with demod stid135 (tbs6903se/6909x or Digital Device) can decode this stream, and these with the official drivers of the manufacturers. But decoding the stream was impossible because I installed the neumoDVB application, which only works with a specially modified driver. That's why deeptho (thanks), the developer of neumoDVB, made some changes in his driver to find the right format (rawframe) for this generic stream.

    Finally, with the new driver, it was possible to decode this NRK stream, which I later discovered has 8 IP addresses, each with a separate stream.

    In short, the dvbsnoop application reads the transponder stream using the 6903x/6909x board, and the neumoDVB application transmits the stream to the Dablin player. You can also use DVBstream or DVBlast.

    I used DVBsnoop, Tune-s2/neumoDVB, and the Dablin_gtk player for these tests.

    Selecting a DAB+ stream (regional) is done by changing only the last digit of the IP, which starts with 1 and ends with 8, i.e., dst-ip (with 2,3,4,5,6,7,8).

    You can see the video below as I worked with Tuner-S2 and neumoDVB:

    tune-s2 10720 V 5400 -adapter 7 -system DVB-S2 -lnb UNIVERSAL
    dvbsnoop -adapter 3 -s ts -tsraw -b | ./bbframe-tools/pts2bbf | bbfedi2eti -dst-ip -dst-port 1234 | dablin_gtk

    -streamul 8 cu adresa cu adresa

    0 : P6 Rock (0xf216) Pri subch= 3 start=144 CUs= 48 PL=eep-3a bitrate=64 DAB+
    1 : P7 Klem (0xf217) Pri subch= 4 start=192 CUs= 48 PL=eep-3a bitrate=64 DAB+
    2 : RADIO NORGE (0xf21a) Pri subch=31 start=432 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+
    3 : P24-7 MIX (0xf161) Pri subch=34 start=576 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+
    4 : P4 LydenAvNorge (0xf214) Pri subch= 1 start= 0 CUs= 96 PL=uep 3 bitrate=128
    5 : NORSK POP (0xf33f) Pri subch=35 start=612 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+
    6 : P24-7 FUN (0xf31a) Pri subch=39 start=786 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+
    7 : P0DPLAY (0xf41a) Pri subch=40 start=822 CUs= 30 PL=eep-3a bitrate=40 DAB+
    8 : P8 Pop 80s (0xf218) Pri subch= 5 start=240 CUs= 42 PL=eep-3a bitrate=56 DAB+
    9 : P9 Retro (0xf219) Pri subch= 6 start=282 CUs= 48 PL=eep-3a bitrate=64 DAB+
    10 : P10 Country (0xf213) Pri subch= 7 start=330 CUs= 48 PL=eep-3a bitrate=64 DAB+
    11 : NRJ NORGE (0xf212) Pri subch= 8 start=378 CUs= 48 PL=eep-3a bitrate=64 DAB+
    12 : KISS N'DANCE (0xff61) Pri subch=33 start=540 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+
    13 : RADIO ROCK (0xf03f) Pri subch=32 start=486 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+
    14 : VINYL (0xf01a) Pri subch=36 start=648 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+
    15 : TOPP40 (0xf11a) Pri subch=37 start=702 CUs= 48 PL=eep-3a bitrate=64 DAB+
    16 : P5 Hits (0xf215) Pri subch= 2 start= 96 CUs= 48 PL=eep-3a bitrate=64 DAB+
    17 : P24-7 KOS (0xff1a) Pri subch=38 start=750 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+

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    7 antennas,including 2 of 150cm,one T90 with 16 lnbs
    lnb:Inverto Black Ultra with scalar rings and many Ku lnbs,
    C-band LNB:ESX241,Galaxy Inovations,EuroStar,MTI 20K,NS741U C/Ku,Inverto Single C-band Flange,lnb Chaparral Servo Motor & Skew Control
    LNB Ka:R9216DF XWM,Hughes FSS 19.7-20.2 GHz,
    6 satellite receivers,2 Meters,
    7 PC cards(tbs6983,6903,6590,6522,6209,2603,6909X,6903X,6504),3 tuners usb-tbs5927,tbs5925 & SkyStar USB 2 HD,
    Satellite reception between 100.5E-50.0W,
    Loc:Romania :3:

  • Eutelsat 7B @ 7.0E

    12567V, Symbol rate 17015, FEC 2/3 in QPSK/DVB-S2

    A mux with many regional radio stations in Germany: Bayern, SWR Baden, SWR B-Wurttemberg, Rheinland-Plats, Oberfranken, Unterfranken, Oberpfalz, Niederbayern, Oberbayern, HR radio, NDR Schleswig, NDR Niedersachsen, NDR Mecklenburg, Allgau-Donau, Oberbayern.

    Listening to this German DAB+ is done as I did with 5.0W and 1.0W. That is, you lock the 12567 V signal on one console and on another, you put the command line.

    This time I used the DVBStream app and DABlin.

    Switching from one stream to another is done by changing IP and port, and you can find a list of these parameters below.

    I've added two more links with videos of how I worked with the Tuner-s2 and neumoDVB apps.

    I must specify that -a(adapter) 2 in the order line represents the card used.

    I did the test for this DAB with the tbs5927 tuner, but I must add that it also works well with the tbs6983,6903x,6902se, and 6522 cards.

    IP-Address: Port

    dvbstream -f 12567 -s 17015 101 -p V -o -a 2 | fedi2eti 101 5004

    dvbstream -f 12567 -s 17015 101 -p V -o -a 2 | fedi2eti 101 5004

    dvbstream -f 12567 -s 17015 101 -p V -o -a 2 | fedi2eti 101 5004

    dvbstream -f 12567 -s 17015 101 -p V -o -a 2| fedi2eti 101 60011

    dvbstream -f 12567 -s 17015 101 -p V -o -a 2 | fedi2eti 101 60013

    dvbstream -f 12567 -s 17015 101 -p V -o -a 2 | fedi2eti 101 60014

    dvbstream -f 12567 -s 17015 101 -p V -o -a 2 | fedi2eti 101 60015

    dvbstream -f 12567 -s 17015 101 -p V -o -a 2 | fedi2eti 101 60016

    dvbstream -f 12567 -s 17015 101 -p V -o -a 2 | fedi2eti 101 60017

    dvbstream -f 12567 -s 17015 101 -p V -o -a 2 | fedi2eti 101 10000

    dvbstream -f 12567 -s 17015 101 -p V -o -a 2 | fedi2eti 101 50000

    dvbstream -f 12567 -s 17015 101 -p V -o -a 2 | fedi2eti 101 50000

    dvbstream -f 12567 -s 17015 101 -p V -o -a 2 | fedi2eti 101 50000

    dvbstream -f 12567 -s 17015 101 -p V -o -a 2 | fedi2eti 101 50020

    dvbstream -f 12567 -s 17015 101 -p V -o -a 0 | fedi2eti 101 50020

    I've just extracted a radio list from a stream, but you can find out which programs are broadcast at each one.

    Bayern: 101 60017

    0 : Bayern 2 Sued (0xd412) Pri subch= 6 start= 81 CUs= 81 PL=eep-1b bitrate=96 DAB+

    1 : BR24live (0xdf15) Pri subch=11 start=441 CUs= 54 PL=eep-1b bitrate=64 DAB+

    2 : BR24 (0xd315) Pri subch=10 start=387 CUs= 54 PL=eep-1b bitrate=64 DAB+

    3 : PULS (0xd317) Pri subch=13 start=576 CUs= 81 PL=eep-1b bitrate=96 DAB+

    4 : BAYERN 1 Nby/Opf (0xd811) Pri subch= 2 start= 0 CUs= 81 PL=eep-1b bitrate=96 DAB+

    5 : ANTENNE BAYERN (0xd318) Pri subch=21 start=777 CUs= 60 PL=eep-3a bitrate=80 DAB+

    6 : BR-KLASSIK (0xd314) Pri subch= 9 start=243 CUs=144 PL=eep-2a bitrate=144 DAB+

    7 : BR Schlager (0xd316) Pri subch=12 start=495 CUs= 81 PL=eep-1b bitrate=96 DAB+

    8 : BAYERN 3 (0xd313) Pri subch= 8 start=162 CUs= 81 PL=eep-1b bitrate=96 DAB+

    9 : BR Heimat (0xdf16) Pri subch=14 start=657 CUs=108 PL=eep-1b bitrate=128 DAB+

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    7 antennas,including 2 of 150cm,one T90 with 16 lnbs
    lnb:Inverto Black Ultra with scalar rings and many Ku lnbs,
    C-band LNB:ESX241,Galaxy Inovations,EuroStar,MTI 20K,NS741U C/Ku,Inverto Single C-band Flange,lnb Chaparral Servo Motor & Skew Control
    LNB Ka:R9216DF XWM,Hughes FSS 19.7-20.2 GHz,
    6 satellite receivers,2 Meters,
    7 PC cards(tbs6983,6903,6590,6522,6209,2603,6909X,6903X,6504),3 tuners usb-tbs5927,tbs5925 & SkyStar USB 2 HD,
    Satellite reception between 100.5E-50.0W,
    Loc:Romania :3:

  • Eutelsat 7B @ 7.0E

    12515 V,1303,3/4- Polskie Radio

    As with previous streams, an ip-over-sat radio requires two consoles/terminals to be switched on, the first to provide the signal and the second to activate/generate the stream. For the first one, I used tuner-s2 and neumoDVB.

    This time, the activation is done from the dvbstream folder(~/dvbtools/dvbstream), where we launch the command line for each stream via the console.

    I used the tbs6983 card for the demonstration, but other cards are also valid.

    We have six streams, each with a radio program, and to activate them, we pass the IP address and a port on the command line, which each has the following address:

    ./dvbstream -c 0 -o 8192 | mpe2aac 2010 10010 >> pr1.Jedinka.aac
    ./dvbstream -c 0 -o 8192 | mpe2aac 2020 10020 >> pr2.Dwojka.aac
    ./dvbstream -c 0 -o 8192 | mpe2aac 2030 10030 >> pr3.Trojka.aac
    ./dvbstream -c 0 -o 8192 | mpe2aac 2040 10040 >> pr4.Radio24.aac
    ./dvbstream -c 0 -o 8192 | mpe2aac 2050 10050 >> pr5.Polonia.aac
    ./dvbstream -c 0 -o 8192 | mpe2aac 2060 10060 >> pr6.Lato z Rediem

    I have added a how-to video for those who want to listen to these Radio streams.

    (-c 0 (adapter), is the number of the card used)

    I remind you that this test is done on Linux/Ubuntu.

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    7 antennas,including 2 of 150cm,one T90 with 16 lnbs
    lnb:Inverto Black Ultra with scalar rings and many Ku lnbs,
    C-band LNB:ESX241,Galaxy Inovations,EuroStar,MTI 20K,NS741U C/Ku,Inverto Single C-band Flange,lnb Chaparral Servo Motor & Skew Control
    LNB Ka:R9216DF XWM,Hughes FSS 19.7-20.2 GHz,
    6 satellite receivers,2 Meters,
    7 PC cards(tbs6983,6903,6590,6522,6209,2603,6909X,6903X,6504),3 tuners usb-tbs5927,tbs5925 & SkyStar USB 2 HD,
    Satellite reception between 100.5E-50.0W,
    Loc:Romania :3:

  • Eutelsat 9B @ 9.0E

    12092 H,27500.3/4,8PSK- DAB D1 National UK (1062) si SDL National UK(1063)

    tune-s2 12092 H 27500 -system DVB-S2 -modulation 8PSK -lnb UNIVERSAL -adapter 0
    or neumoDVB/Linux
    dvbstream -f 12092 -f 27500 1062 -p H -o | ts2na -s 12 -p 1062 | na2ni | dablin_gtk 

    D1 National 1062

    0 : Radio X (0xc4cd) Pri subch=17 start=646 CUs= 30 PL=eep-3a bitrate=40 DAB+

    1 : LBC News (0xc8ea) Pri subch=21 start=676 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+

    2 : Capital UK (0xc5da) Pri subch=22 start=700 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+

    3 : Smooth Chill (0xc9eb) Pri subch=12 start=724 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+

    4 : Capital DANCE (0xc9ed) Pri subch=23 start=748 CUs= 30 PL=eep-3a bitrate=40 DAB+

    5 : UCB 1 (0xc4ca) Pri subch= 7 start=778 CUs= 18 PL=eep-3a bitrate=24 DAB+

    6 : GB News Radio (0xc4f0) Pri subch=24 start=796 CUs= 18 PL=eep-3a bitrate=24 DAB+

    7 : UCB 2 (0xcbd8) Pri subch= 9 start=814 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+

    8 : Heart 00s (0xc9f3) Pri subch=20 start=838 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+

    9 : Classic FM (0xc2a1) Pri subch= 1 start= 0 CUs= 96 PL=uep 3 bitrate=128

    10 : talkSPORT (0xc0c0) Pri subch= 2 start= 96 CUs= 48 PL=uep 3 bitrate=64

    11 : LBC (0xc0c2) Pri subch=15 start=144 CUs= 48 PL=uep 3 bitrate=64

    12 : Absolute Radio (0xc1c0) Pri subch= 3 start=192 CUs= 58 PL=uep 3 bitrate=80

    13 : KISS (0xc5c0) Pri subch=10 start=250 CUs= 58 PL=uep 3 bitrate=80

    14 : Magic (0xc0c6) Pri subch=11 start=308 CUs= 58 PL=uep 3 bitrate=80

    15 : KISSTORY (0xcfe6) Pri subch=13 start=366 CUs= 58 PL=uep 3 bitrate=80

    16 : Heart UK (0xcfd1) Pri subch= 5 start=424 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+

    17 : Smooth UK (0xc6c0) Pri subch= 6 start=448 CUs= 30 PL=eep-3a bitrate=40 DAB+

    18 : Gold UK (0xcee8) Pri subch= 8 start=478 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+

    19 : Heart Dance (0xcfe8) Pri subch= 4 start=502 CUs= 30 PL=eep-3a bitrate=40 DAB+

    20 : Heart 80s (0xc1dc) Pri subch=14 start=532 CUs= 30 PL=eep-3a bitrate=40 DAB+

    21 : Heart 90s (0xcbe9) Pri subch=18 start=562 CUs= 30 PL=eep-3a bitrate=40 DAB+

    22 : Capital XTRA (0xc37b) Pri subch=16 start=592 CUs= 30 PL=eep-3a bitrate=40 DAB+

    23 : Heart 70s (0xcae9) Pri subch=19 start=622 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+

    dvbstream -f 12092 -f 27500 1063 -p H -o | ts2na -s 12 -p 1063 | na2ni | dablin_gtk 

    SDL National 1063

    0 : Mellow Magic (0xc5d8) Pri subch= 4 start= 0 CUs= 58 PL=uep 3 bitrate=80

    1 : Virgin Radio (0xc3d8) Pri subch= 3 start= 58 CUs= 58 PL=uep 3 bitrate=80

    2 : Times Radio (0xc0d8) Pri subch= 6 start=116 CUs= 48 PL=uep 3 bitrate=64

    3 : Planet Rock (0xc7d8) Pri subch= 7 start=164 CUs= 58 PL=uep 3 bitrate=80

    4 : Absolute 80s (0xc8d8) Pri subch= 8 start=222 CUs= 58 PL=uep 3 bitrate=80

    5 : Sunrise Radio UK (0xc9d8) Pri subch= 9 start=280 CUs= 42 PL=uep 3 bitrate=56

    6 : PremierChristian (0xccd8) Pri subch=12 start=322 CUs= 48 PL=uep 3 bitrate=64

    7 : Premier Praise (0xcdd8) Pri subch=13 start=370 CUs= 48 PL=uep 3 bitrate=64

    8 : Fun Kids UK (0xcfd8) Pri subch=16 start=418 CUs= 18 PL=eep-3a bitrate=24 DAB+

    9 : Jazz FM Stereo (0xcad7) Pri subch=17 start=436 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+

    10 : BFBS UK (0xc5e0) Pri subch=20 start=460 CUs= 18 PL=eep-3a bitrate=24 DAB+

    11 : Virgin Anthems (0xc7e6) Pri subch=24 start=478 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+

    12 : Virgin Chilled (0xc8e6) Pri subch=25 start=502 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+

    13 : Absolute 90s (0xcac2) Pri subch=21 start=526 CUs= 58 PL=uep 3 bitrate=80

    14 : Scala Radio (0xcde6) Pri subch=22 start=584 CUs= 84 PL=uep 3 bitrate=112

    15 : TalkRadio-TalkTV (0xcaeb) Pri subch=26 start=668 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+

    16 : talkSPORT 2 (0xc1d8) Pri subch=27 start=692 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+

    17 : Boom Radio UK (0xc5ef) Pri subch=10 start=716 CUs= 18 PL=eep-3a bitrate=24 DAB+

    18 : Fix Radio (0xcdda) Pri subch=15 start=734 CUs= 48 PL=uep 3 bitrate=64

    19 : CapXTRA Reloaded (0xcce9) Pri subch=28 start=782 CUs= 30 PL=eep-3a bitrate=40 DAB+

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    7 antennas,including 2 of 150cm,one T90 with 16 lnbs
    lnb:Inverto Black Ultra with scalar rings and many Ku lnbs,
    C-band LNB:ESX241,Galaxy Inovations,EuroStar,MTI 20K,NS741U C/Ku,Inverto Single C-band Flange,lnb Chaparral Servo Motor & Skew Control
    LNB Ka:R9216DF XWM,Hughes FSS 19.7-20.2 GHz,
    6 satellite receivers,2 Meters,
    7 PC cards(tbs6983,6903,6590,6522,6209,2603,6909X,6903X,6504),3 tuners usb-tbs5927,tbs5925 & SkyStar USB 2 HD,
    Satellite reception between 100.5E-50.0W,
    Loc:Romania :3:

  • DAB+ Italia
    9.0E_11727 V,30000,3/4,8PSK_DAB Italia (7031) si EuroDab Italia (7131)

    -tune-s2 11727 V 30000 -adapter 0 -system DVB-S2 -modulation 8PSK -lnb UNIVERSAL or neumoDVB (on Linux)
    -dvbstream -c 0 -o 7031 | tsniv2ni 7031 | dablin_gtk
    -dvbstream -c 0 -o 7131 | tsniv2ni 7131 | dablin_gtk

    DAB Italia Pid 7031

    0 : Capital Funky (0x5285) Pri subch=17 start=432 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+

    1 : M DUE O (0x5233) Pri subch= 6 start=204 CUs= 48 PL=eep-3a bitrate=64 DAB+

    2 : R101 (0x5215) Pri subch= 4 start=120 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+

    3 : ACI Radio (0x5227) Pri subch=10 start=576 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+

    4 : Radio Maria (0x51cc) Pri subch= 1 start= 0 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+

    5 : RR News (0x5284) Pri subch=21 start=540 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+

    6 : M DUE O DANCE (0x5287) Pri subch=18 start=456 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+

    7 : * RDS * (0x5264) Pri subch= 8 start=288 CUs= 48 PL=eep-3a bitrate=64 DAB+

    8 : RMALB.IA (0x52cc) Pri subch=15 start=372 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+

    9 : Radio Radicale (0x5210) Pri subch= 2 start= 36 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+

    10 : Deejay (0x5214) Pri subch= 3 start= 72 CUs= 48 PL=eep-3a bitrate=64 DAB+

    11 : Radio 24 (0x5245) Pri subch= 7 start=252 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+

    12 : 105 DAB (0x5286) Pri subch=11 start=336 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+

    13 : Radio 24 +1 (0x5282) Pri subch=19 start=480 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+

    14 : Capital (0x5219) Pri subch= 5 start=156 CUs= 48 PL=eep-3a bitrate=64 DAB+

    15 : Deejay 30 Songs (0x5283) Pri subch=20 start=516 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+

    16 : * RDS * Relax (0x5281) Pri subch=16 start=408 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+

    EuroDab Italia PID 7131

    0 : #RTL 102.5 news (0x5294) Pri subch= 6 start=504 CUs= 42 PL=eep-3a bitrate=56 DAB+

    1 : #RTL 102.5 r&j (0x5297) Pri subch= 5 start=468 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+

    2 : inBlu 2000 (0x5126) Pri subch=21 start=828 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+

    3 : RVaticana Ita + (0x510e) Pri subch=15 start=144 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+

    4 : BBC WorldService (0xc238) Pri subch= 7 start=546 CUs= 42 PL=eep-3a bitrate=56 DAB+

    5 : #RTL 102.5 doc (0x52ef) Pri subch= 9 start=636 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+

    6 : #RadioZeta (0x5299) Pri subch= 2 start=312 CUs= 72 PL=eep-3a bitrate=96 DAB+

    7 : Radio Italia SMI (0x5220) Pri subch=10 start= 0 CUs= 48 PL=eep-3a bitrate=64 DAB+

    8 : #RTL 102.5 best (0x5298) Pri subch= 3 start=384 CUs= 48 PL=eep-3a bitrate=64 DAB+

    9 : Virgin Radio (0x5241) Pri subch=19 start=708 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+

    10 : #RTL102.5 napul� (0x529f) Pri subch= 8 start=588 CUs= 48 PL=eep-3a bitrate=64 DAB+

    11 : RadioItaliaTrend (0x5221) Pri subch=11 start= 48 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+

    12 : Radio Libert� (0x5276) Pri subch=17 start= 84 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+

    13 : #RadioFreccia (0x5293) Pri subch= 1 start=240 CUs= 72 PL=eep-3a bitrate=96 DAB+

    14 : SUBASIO XL (0x5fee) Pri subch=20 start=744 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+

    15 : KISSKISS (0x5225) Pri subch=12 start=108 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+

    16 : #RTL 102.5 b&s (0x5296) Pri subch= 4 start=432 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+

    17 : #RTL 102.5 (0x5218) Pri subch= 0 start=168 CUs= 72 PL=eep-3a bitrate=96 DAB+

    18 : 105 (0x5211) Pri subch=23 start=780 CUs= 48 PL=eep-3a bitrate=64 DAB+

    19 : RMC (0x5213) Pri subch=18 start=672 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+

    External Content youtu.be
    Content embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.
    Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.

    External Content youtu.be
    Content embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.
    Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.

    7 antennas,including 2 of 150cm,one T90 with 16 lnbs
    lnb:Inverto Black Ultra with scalar rings and many Ku lnbs,
    C-band LNB:ESX241,Galaxy Inovations,EuroStar,MTI 20K,NS741U C/Ku,Inverto Single C-band Flange,lnb Chaparral Servo Motor & Skew Control
    LNB Ka:R9216DF XWM,Hughes FSS 19.7-20.2 GHz,
    6 satellite receivers,2 Meters,
    7 PC cards(tbs6983,6903,6590,6522,6209,2603,6909X,6903X,6504),3 tuners usb-tbs5927,tbs5925 & SkyStar USB 2 HD,
    Satellite reception between 100.5E-50.0W,
    Loc:Romania :3:

  • Eutelsat 10A @ 10.0E

    11221 V,30000,5/6,QPSK2- DAB+ Radio Salisbury

    -tune-s2 11221 V 30000 -adapter 0 -system DVB-S2 -lnb UNIVERSAL (or neumoDVB on Linux)
    -dvbstream -c 0 -o 701 | fedi2eti 701 2048 | dablin_gtk

    0 : Grt Hits S'bury (0xc5f4) Pri subch= 7 start=180 CUs= 58 PL=uep 3 bitrate=80

    1 : BOOM LIGHT (0xc9c2) Pri subch=14 start=382 CUs= 18 PL=eep-3a bitrate=24 DAB+

    2 : TalkRadio (0xcaeb) Pri subch=17 start=460 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+

    3 : Nation Love (0xc2ec) Pri subch=26 start=712 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+

    4 : Times Radio (0xc0d8) Pri subch=16 start=436 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+

    5 : Virgin Radio (0xc3d8) Pri subch=18 start=484 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+

    6 : Nation Rocks (0xc2fb) Pri subch=24 start=640 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+

    7 : Nation Dance (0xc2e7) Pri subch=25 start=676 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+

    8 : Tomorrowland OWR (0xc2c3) Pri subch=19 start=508 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+

    9 : BFBS Rewind (0xc9c5) Pri subch=20 start=532 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+
    10 : Easy Radio (0xcbf2) Pri subch=22 start=580 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+
    11 : XTRA HOT (0xcfc2) Pri subch=10 start=286 CUs= 18 PL=eep-3a bitrate=24 DAB+
    12 : Nation 60s (0xccf1) Pri subch=23 start=616 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+

    13 : Nation 00s (0xc2fd) Pri subch=15 start=400 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+
    14 : Salisbury Radio (0xc2c1) Pri subch= 6 start=132 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+
    15 : BBC Radio Wilts (0xcc32) Pri subch=27 start=748 CUs= 48 PL=eep-3a bitrate=64 DAB+
    16 : AspenWaite Radio (0xccea) Pri subch=13 start=364 CUs= 18 PL=eep-3a bitrate=24 DAB+
    17 : OUTREACH RADIO (0xc3ee) Pri subch= 8 start=238 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB
    18 : Nation Radio (0xc485) Pri subch=12 start=328 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+
    19 : BFBS Salisbury (0xc991) Pri subch= 1 start= 0 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+
    20 : BFBS Beats (0xced6) Pri subch= 2 start= 36 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+
    21 : Angel Vintage (0xcdc2) Pri subch= 5 start=108 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+
    22 : Like One (0xceeb) Pri subch= 9 start=262 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+

    23 : BFBS Edge (0xc4f1) Pri subch= 4 start= 84 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+

    24 : BFBS Gurkha (0xc2fc) Pri subch= 3 start= 60 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+
    25 : OUTREACH DANCE (0xc1c5) Pri subch=11 start=304 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+
    26 : BFBS BestBritish (0xc9c4) Pri subch=21 start=556 CUs= 24 PL=eep-3a bitrate=32 DAB+

    External Content youtu.be
    Content embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.
    Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.

    7 antennas,including 2 of 150cm,one T90 with 16 lnbs
    lnb:Inverto Black Ultra with scalar rings and many Ku lnbs,
    C-band LNB:ESX241,Galaxy Inovations,EuroStar,MTI 20K,NS741U C/Ku,Inverto Single C-band Flange,lnb Chaparral Servo Motor & Skew Control
    LNB Ka:R9216DF XWM,Hughes FSS 19.7-20.2 GHz,
    6 satellite receivers,2 Meters,
    7 PC cards(tbs6983,6903,6590,6522,6209,2603,6909X,6903X,6504),3 tuners usb-tbs5927,tbs5925 & SkyStar USB 2 HD,
    Satellite reception between 100.5E-50.0W,
    Loc:Romania :3:

  • Astra 3B @ 23.5E

    12641 V,1489,3/4- DR Deutschland (MIS 1) si Antenne De(MIS 2)

    -tune-s2 12642 V 1500 -system DVB-S2 -modulation 8PSK -adapter 7 -lnb UNIVERSAL or (neumoDVB/deeptho driver on Linux)
    -dvbsnoop -adapter 4 -s ts -tsraw -b | ./bbframe-tools/pts2bbf | bbfedi2eti  -mis 1 | dablin_gtk
    -dvbsnoop -adapter 4 -s ts -tsraw -b | ./bbframe-tools/pts2bbf | bbfedi2eti -mis 2 | dablin_gtk

    Only with the 6903x card could I decode DAB Antenne(MIS 2) and Dr Deutschland(MIS 1). And that's because this mux has a generic stream and MIS, just like the NRK stream at 1.0W. deeptho modified the driver of 6903x/6909x to extract MIS 1 and 2.

    But how he solved this problem, you can read usefully on the GitHub forum.

    DR Deutschland MIS 1:

    0 : KLASSIK RADIO (0xd75b) Pri subch= 6 start=192 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    1 : SUNSHINE LIVE (0x15dc) Pri subch=21 start=330 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    2 : radio Horeb (0xd01c) Pri subch= 5 start=156 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+

    3 : ERF Plus (0x1a64) Pri subch= 2 start= 0 CUs= 48 PL=eep-3a bitrate=64 DAB+

    4 : Dlf (0xd210) Pri subch=10 start=480 CUs=104 PL=eep-2a bitrate=104 DAB+

    5 : Dlf Kultur (0xd220) Pri subch=11 start=584 CUs=112 PL=eep-2a bitrate=112 DAB+

    6 : Dlf Nova (0xd230) Pri subch=12 start=696 CUs=104 PL=eep-2a bitrate=104 DAB+

    7 : DRadio DokDeb (0xd240) Pri subch=13 start=800 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+

    8 : Schwarzwaldradio (0x100d) Pri subch= 7 start=246 CUs= 42 PL=eep-2b bitrate=64 DAB+

    9 : ENERGY (0x1a45) Pri subch= 4 start=102 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    10 : SCHLAGERPARADIES (0x10c3) Pri subch=20 start=288 CUs= 42 PL=eep-2b bitrate=64 DAB+

    11 : Absolut relax (0x17fa) Pri subch= 3 start= 48 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    12 : RADIO BOB! (0x15dd) Pri subch=22 start=384 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    Antenne De MIS 2:

    0 : Brillux Radio (0x1299) Pri subch= 3 start=108 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    1 : Absolut GERMANY (0x121c) Pri subch=18 start=810 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    2 : AIDAradio (0x1259) Pri subch=17 start=756 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    3 : 90s90s (0x12e9) Pri subch=16 start=702 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    4 : Beats Radio (0x1258) Pri subch=14 start=648 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    5 : dpd DRIVERSRADIO (0x12c8) Pri subch=11 start=486 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    6 : NOSTALGIE (0x122a) Pri subch=13 start=594 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    7 : 80s80s (0x1057) Pri subch=12 start=540 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    8 : TOGGO Radio (0x1298) Pri subch= 5 start=216 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    9 : RTL RADIO (0x1229) Pri subch= 4 start=162 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    10 : ANTENNE BAYERN (0xd318) Pri subch= 2 start= 54 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    11 : ROCK ANTENNE (0x121b) Pri subch= 1 start= 0 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    12 : Absolut OLDIE (0x121a) Pri subch=10 start=432 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    13 : Absolut BELLA (0x1219) Pri subch= 9 start=378 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    14 : Absolut HOT (0xdc1a) Pri subch= 7 start=270 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    15 : Absolut TOP (0x1218) Pri subch= 8 start=324 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    External Content youtu.be
    Content embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.
    Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.

    7 antennas,including 2 of 150cm,one T90 with 16 lnbs
    lnb:Inverto Black Ultra with scalar rings and many Ku lnbs,
    C-band LNB:ESX241,Galaxy Inovations,EuroStar,MTI 20K,NS741U C/Ku,Inverto Single C-band Flange,lnb Chaparral Servo Motor & Skew Control
    LNB Ka:R9216DF XWM,Hughes FSS 19.7-20.2 GHz,
    6 satellite receivers,2 Meters,
    7 PC cards(tbs6983,6903,6590,6522,6209,2603,6909X,6903X,6504),3 tuners usb-tbs5927,tbs5925 & SkyStar USB 2 HD,
    Satellite reception between 100.5E-50.0W,
    Loc:Romania :3:

  • Astra 3B @ 23.5 E

    NRW(MDR) radios are transmitted on two muxes,12632 V and 12645 V. They have the same radio programs. They use the same activation code; no other console/terminal is needed to decode/activate it. I used the tbs6983 card.
    Below is a how-to video:

    12632 V,1489,3/4,DVB-S- Radio NRW (WDR 11D) ,

    12645 V,1489,3/4,DVB-S- Radio NRW (WDR 11D) ,


    dvbstream -c 1 -f 12632000 -s 1489 -p V -o 8192 | ts2na -s -3 | na2ni | dablin_gtk
    dvbstream -c 1 -f 12645000 -s 1489 -p V -o 8192 | ts2na -s -3 | na2ni | dablin_gtk

    Radio fuer NRW/MDR

    0 : WDR 5 (0xd395) Pri subch= 4 start=156 CUs= 48 PL=eep-3a bitrate=64 DAB+

    1 : 1LIVE diGGi (0xdf91) Pri subch= 3 start=102 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    2 : WDR 4 (0xd394) Pri subch=14 start=360 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    3 : WDR 2 KoLN (0xd392) Pri subch= 7 start=288 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    4 : 1LIVE (0xd391) Pri subch= 1 start= 0 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    5 : WDR 3 (0xd393) Pri subch=15 start=414 CUs= 72 PL=eep-3a bitrate=96 DAB+

    6 : WDR Event (0xdf96) Pri subch= 6 start=252 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+

    7 : WDR 2 WUPPERTAL (0xdc92) Pri subch=22 start=810 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    8 : WDR 2 SIEGEN (0xdb92) Pri subch=21 start=756 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    9 : WDR 2 MoNSTER (0xda92) Pri subch=20 start=702 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    10 : WDR 2 AACHEN (0xd492) Pri subch=19 start=648 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    11 : WDR 2 BIELEFELD (0xd592) Pri subch=18 start=594 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    12 : WDR 2 RHEIN-RUHR (0xd792) Pri subch=16 start=486 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    13 : WDR 2 DORTMUND (0xd692) Pri subch=17 start=540 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    14 : WDR Maus (0xdf95) Pri subch= 2 start= 54 CUs= 48 PL=eep-3a bitrate=64 DAB+

    15 : WDRcosmo (0xd496) Pri subch= 5 start=204 CUs= 48 PL=eep-3a bitrate=64 DAB+

    External Content youtu.be
    Content embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.
    Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.

    7 antennas,including 2 of 150cm,one T90 with 16 lnbs
    lnb:Inverto Black Ultra with scalar rings and many Ku lnbs,
    C-band LNB:ESX241,Galaxy Inovations,EuroStar,MTI 20K,NS741U C/Ku,Inverto Single C-band Flange,lnb Chaparral Servo Motor & Skew Control
    LNB Ka:R9216DF XWM,Hughes FSS 19.7-20.2 GHz,
    6 satellite receivers,2 Meters,
    7 PC cards(tbs6983,6903,6590,6522,6209,2603,6909X,6903X,6504),3 tuners usb-tbs5927,tbs5925 & SkyStar USB 2 HD,
    Satellite reception between 100.5E-50.0W,
    Loc:Romania :3:

  • Hellas-3 @ 39.0E
    39.0E DAB+ ERT Radio

    12241 H,13381,3/4,QPSK2: DAB+ Radio ERT

    tune-s2 12241 H 13381 -adapter 0 -system DVB-S2 -lnb UNIVERSAL or neumoDVB
    dvbstream -o 1010 | tsniv2ni 1010 | dablin_gtk

    0 : Proto (0x1000) Pri subch= 1 start= 0 CUs= 80 PL=eep-2a bitrate=80 DAB+

    1 : 3o Maestro (0x1009) Pri subch=10 start=720 CUs= 80 PL=eep-2a bitrate=80 DAB+

    2 : Voice Of Greece (0x1005) Pri subch= 6 start=432 CUs= 48 PL=eep-2a bitrate=48 DAB+

    3 : Zeppelin (0x1006) Pri subch= 7 start=480 CUs= 80 PL=eep-2a bitrate=80 DAB+

    4 : 2o Paradosiaka (0x1010) Pri subch=11 start=800 CUs= 64 PL=eep-2a bitrate=64 DAB+

    5 : Deftero 103,7 (0x1001) Pri subch= 2 start= 80 CUs= 96 PL=eep-2a bitrate=96 DAB+

    6 : DefteroLaika (0x1008) Pri subch= 9 start=640 CUs= 80 PL=eep-2a bitrate=80 DAB+

    7 : Era Sport (0x1003) Pri subch= 4 start=288 CUs= 64 PL=eep-2a bitrate=64 DAB+

    8 : Kosmos (0x1004) Pri subch= 5 start=352 CUs= 80 PL=eep-2a bitrate=80 DAB+

    9 : Kosmos-Jazz (0x1007) Pri subch= 8 start=560 CUs= 80 PL=eep-2a bitrate=80 DAB+

    10 : Trito (0x1002) Pri subch= 3 start=176 CUs=112 PL=eep-2a bitrate=112 DAB+

    External Content youtu.be
    Content embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.
    Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.

    7 antennas,including 2 of 150cm,one T90 with 16 lnbs
    lnb:Inverto Black Ultra with scalar rings and many Ku lnbs,
    C-band LNB:ESX241,Galaxy Inovations,EuroStar,MTI 20K,NS741U C/Ku,Inverto Single C-band Flange,lnb Chaparral Servo Motor & Skew Control
    LNB Ka:R9216DF XWM,Hughes FSS 19.7-20.2 GHz,
    6 satellite receivers,2 Meters,
    7 PC cards(tbs6983,6903,6590,6522,6209,2603,6909X,6903X,6504),3 tuners usb-tbs5927,tbs5925 & SkyStar USB 2 HD,
    Satellite reception between 100.5E-50.0W,
    Loc:Romania :3:

  • Türksat 3A @ 42.0E
    10953 V,1808,3/4,DVB-S- TRT DAB+

    -tune-s2 10954 V 1808 -adapter 0 -system DVB-S -lnb UNIVERSAL or neumoDVB/driver Deeptho
    -dvbstream -c 1 -o 1068 | ts2na -p 1068 -s 0 | dablin_gtk

    0 : +Radyo 1 (0x32) Pri subch=11 start= 0 CUs= 48 PL=eep-4a bitrate=96 DAB+

    1 : +TRT FM (0x33) Pri subch=12 start= 48 CUs=144 PL=eep-1a bitrate=96 DAB+

    2 : +Radyo 3 (0x34) Pri subch=13 start=192 CUs=144 PL=eep-1a bitrate=96 DAB+

    3 : +Nagme (0x35) Pri subch=14 start=336 CUs=144 PL=eep-1a bitrate=96 DAB+

    4 : +Turku (0x36) Pri subch=15 start=480 CUs=144 PL=eep-1a bitrate=96 DAB+

    5 : +Haber (0x37) Pri subch=16 start=624 CUs= 48 PL=eep-4a bitrate=96 DAB+

    6 : +World (0x38) Pri subch=17 start=672 CUs= 48 PL=eep-4a bitrate=96 DAB+

    7 : +Arapca (0x39) Pri subch=18 start=720 CUs= 48 PL=eep-4a bitrate=96 DAB+

    External Content youtu.be
    Content embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.
    Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.

    7 antennas,including 2 of 150cm,one T90 with 16 lnbs
    lnb:Inverto Black Ultra with scalar rings and many Ku lnbs,
    C-band LNB:ESX241,Galaxy Inovations,EuroStar,MTI 20K,NS741U C/Ku,Inverto Single C-band Flange,lnb Chaparral Servo Motor & Skew Control
    LNB Ka:R9216DF XWM,Hughes FSS 19.7-20.2 GHz,
    6 satellite receivers,2 Meters,
    7 PC cards(tbs6983,6903,6590,6522,6209,2603,6909X,6903X,6504),3 tuners usb-tbs5927,tbs5925 & SkyStar USB 2 HD,
    Satellite reception between 100.5E-50.0W,
    Loc:Romania :3:

  • Astra 1M @ 19.2° E

    Two DAB WDR streams were activated at 19.2E on trp 11604 V,2200,3/4, and a copy of the two was activated at 23.5E on 12645 V,2200,3/4. (Credit goes to @Adam792 on the UK forum)

    dvbstream -c 1 -o 3000 | fedi2eti 3000 10010 | ni2out --list
    dvbstream -c 1 -o 3000 | fedi2eti 3000 10010 | dablin_gtk

    Radio DAB+ WDR

    0 : WDR Event (0xdf96) Pri subch= 6 start=252 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+

    1 : WDR 2 BERG.-LAND (0xdc92) Pri subch=22 start=810 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    2 : WDR 2 S�DWESTF (0xdb92) Pri subch=21 start=756 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    3 : WDR 2 M�NSTERL (0xda92) Pri subch=20 start=702 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    4 : WDR 2 AACHEN (0xd492) Pri subch=19 start=648 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    5 : WDR 5 (0xd395) Pri subch= 4 start=156 CUs= 48 PL=eep-3a bitrate=64 DAB+

    6 : WDR 2 OWL (0xd592) Pri subch=18 start=594 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    7 : WDR 2 RHEIN-RUHR (0xd792) Pri subch=16 start=486 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    8 : WDR 2 RUHRGEBIET (0xd692) Pri subch=17 start=540 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    9 : WDR Maus (0xdf95) Pri subch= 2 start= 54 CUs= 48 PL=eep-3a bitrate=64 DAB+

    10 : WDRcosmo (0xd496) Pri subch= 5 start=204 CUs= 48 PL=eep-3a bitrate=64 DAB+

    11 : 1LIVE diGGi (0xdf91) Pri subch= 3 start=102 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    12 : WDR 4 (0xd394) Pri subch=14 start=360 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    13 : WDR 2 RHEINLAND (0xd392) Pri subch= 7 start=288 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    14 : 1LIVE (0xd391) Pri subch= 1 start= 0 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+

    15 : WDR 3 (0xd393) Pri subch=15 start=414 CUs= 72 PL=eep-3a bitrate=96 DAB+

    dvbstream -c 1 -o 3000 | fedi2eti 3000 10010 | ni2out --list

    dvbstream -c 1 -o 3000 | fedi2eti 3000 10010 | dablin_gtk


    0 : Test 9 (0xd694) Pri subch= 9 start=704 CUs= 88 PL=eep-2a bitrate=88 DAB+

    1 : Test 3 (0xd492) Pri subch= 3 start=176 CUs= 88 PL=eep-2a bitrate=88 DAB+

    2 : Test 4 (0xdc92) Pri subch= 4 start=264 CUs= 88 PL=eep-2a bitrate=88 DAB+

    3 : Test 7 (0xd394) Pri subch= 7 start=528 CUs= 88 PL=eep-2a bitrate=88 DAB+

    4 : Test 5 (0xda92) Pri subch= 5 start=352 CUs= 88 PL=eep-2a bitrate=88 DAB+

    5 : Test 6 (0xd494) Pri subch= 6 start=440 CUs= 88 PL=eep-2a bitrate=88 DAB+

    6 : Test 8 (0xda94) Pri subch= 8 start=616 CUs= 88 PL=eep-2a bitrate=88 DAB+

    7 : Test 2 (0xd692) Pri subch= 2 start= 88 CUs= 88 PL=eep-2a bitrate=88 DAB+

    8 : Test 1 (0xd392) Pri subch= 1 start= 0 CUs= 88 PL=eep-2a bitrate=88 DAB+

    7 antennas,including 2 of 150cm,one T90 with 16 lnbs
    lnb:Inverto Black Ultra with scalar rings and many Ku lnbs,
    C-band LNB:ESX241,Galaxy Inovations,EuroStar,MTI 20K,NS741U C/Ku,Inverto Single C-band Flange,lnb Chaparral Servo Motor & Skew Control
    LNB Ka:R9216DF XWM,Hughes FSS 19.7-20.2 GHz,
    6 satellite receivers,2 Meters,
    7 PC cards(tbs6983,6903,6590,6522,6209,2603,6909X,6903X,6504),3 tuners usb-tbs5927,tbs5925 & SkyStar USB 2 HD,
    Satellite reception between 100.5E-50.0W,
    Loc:Romania :3:

  • bitraten von 48-88 kbit muss sich scheußlich anhören ?

    Only the first stream has 48 bitrate.

    Now, I can't tell because the subwoofer has a cracked membrane. I have to change it.

    That's why I only hear bass. :88:

    7 antennas,including 2 of 150cm,one T90 with 16 lnbs
    lnb:Inverto Black Ultra with scalar rings and many Ku lnbs,
    C-band LNB:ESX241,Galaxy Inovations,EuroStar,MTI 20K,NS741U C/Ku,Inverto Single C-band Flange,lnb Chaparral Servo Motor & Skew Control
    LNB Ka:R9216DF XWM,Hughes FSS 19.7-20.2 GHz,
    6 satellite receivers,2 Meters,
    7 PC cards(tbs6983,6903,6590,6522,6209,2603,6909X,6903X,6504),3 tuners usb-tbs5927,tbs5925 & SkyStar USB 2 HD,
    Satellite reception between 100.5E-50.0W,
    Loc:Romania :3:

  • Another way to listen to DAB+ streams is via the "Streaming services and muxes" function that deeptho has implemented in the latest version of neumoDVB.

    This function can use muxes for stream services via UDP, which can be unicast or multicast.

    Here is what the German DAB mux looks like with neumoDVB on 12567 V,17016,3/4 at 7.0E:

    7 antennas,including 2 of 150cm,one T90 with 16 lnbs
    lnb:Inverto Black Ultra with scalar rings and many Ku lnbs,
    C-band LNB:ESX241,Galaxy Inovations,EuroStar,MTI 20K,NS741U C/Ku,Inverto Single C-band Flange,lnb Chaparral Servo Motor & Skew Control
    LNB Ka:R9216DF XWM,Hughes FSS 19.7-20.2 GHz,
    6 satellite receivers,2 Meters,
    7 PC cards(tbs6983,6903,6590,6522,6209,2603,6909X,6903X,6504),3 tuners usb-tbs5927,tbs5925 & SkyStar USB 2 HD,
    Satellite reception between 100.5E-50.0W,
    Loc:Romania :3:

  • 5.0W_12564 V,35300,2/3,8PSK, Root 16416-Stream 11 - RAI Mux DAB+, new mux

    DAB+ RAI (0x5001)

    0 : Rai Radio1 (0x5201) Pri subch= 1 start= 0 CUs= 84 PL=eep-3a bitrate=112 DAB+

    1 : Rai Radio2 (0x5202) Pri subch= 2 start= 84 CUs= 84 PL=eep-3a bitrate=112 DAB+

    2 : Rai Radio3 (0x5203) Pri subch= 3 start=168 CUs= 84 PL=eep-3a bitrate=112 DAB+

    3 : Rai GrParlamento (0x5206) Pri subch= 4 start=252 CUs= 42 PL=eep-3a bitrate=56 DAB+

    4 : Rai Isoradio (0x5209) Pri subch= 5 start=294 CUs= 78 PL=eep-3a bitrate=104 DAB+

    5 : RaiTuttaItaliana (0x5207) Pri subch= 6 start=372 CUs= 78 PL=eep-3a bitrate=104 DAB+

    6 : Rai R Classica (0x5205) Pri subch= 7 start=450 CUs= 78 PL=eep-3a bitrate=104 DAB+

    7 : Rai Radio1 Sport (0x520f) Pri subch= 8 start=528 CUs= 48 PL=eep-3a bitrate=64 DAB+

    8 : Rai R Techete' (0x52f1) Pri subch=10 start=576 CUs= 66 PL=eep-3a bitrate=88 DAB+

    9 : RaiR Live Napoli (0x52f2) Pri subch=11 start=642 CUs= 78 PL=eep-3a bitrate=104 DAB+
    10 : Rai Radio Kids (0x52f3) Pri subch=12 start=720 CUs= 66 PL=eep-3a bitrate=88 DAB+

    11 : No Name Radio (0x520a) Pri subch=13 start=786 CUs= 78 PL=eep-3a bitrate=104 DAB+


    RAI_DAB+ with neumoDVB under Linux

    7 antennas,including 2 of 150cm,one T90 with 16 lnbs
    lnb:Inverto Black Ultra with scalar rings and many Ku lnbs,
    C-band LNB:ESX241,Galaxy Inovations,EuroStar,MTI 20K,NS741U C/Ku,Inverto Single C-band Flange,lnb Chaparral Servo Motor & Skew Control
    LNB Ka:R9216DF XWM,Hughes FSS 19.7-20.2 GHz,
    6 satellite receivers,2 Meters,
    7 PC cards(tbs6983,6903,6590,6522,6209,2603,6909X,6903X,6504),3 tuners usb-tbs5927,tbs5925 & SkyStar USB 2 HD,
    Satellite reception between 100.5E-50.0W,
    Loc:Romania :3:

  • Türksat 3A @ 42.0E
    10953 V,1808,3/4,DVB-S- TRT DAB+


    DAB+ Turksat on 10953 V has not been working for some time now because although there is a signal, it can only lock with difficulty, and the stream cannot be received, no matter which card I use.

    Only IQmonitor(and 6504) manages to find the parameters and play them back, but that's all.

    How is the signal in your area?

    7 antennas,including 2 of 150cm,one T90 with 16 lnbs
    lnb:Inverto Black Ultra with scalar rings and many Ku lnbs,
    C-band LNB:ESX241,Galaxy Inovations,EuroStar,MTI 20K,NS741U C/Ku,Inverto Single C-band Flange,lnb Chaparral Servo Motor & Skew Control
    LNB Ka:R9216DF XWM,Hughes FSS 19.7-20.2 GHz,
    6 satellite receivers,2 Meters,
    7 PC cards(tbs6983,6903,6590,6522,6209,2603,6909X,6903X,6504),3 tuners usb-tbs5927,tbs5925 & SkyStar USB 2 HD,
    Satellite reception between 100.5E-50.0W,
    Loc:Romania :3:

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